as long as you ignore the saving us from a global recession, creating 15 million new jobs, bringing gas back to $2, a record high stock market, taking a trillion dollars out of the deficit, getting us out of 2 pointless wars, killing bin laden, and putting ISIS on the ropes, then sure.
dumb racist.
Isis was on the ropes with Obama? Didn't realize that. And Obama himself killed Bin laden? I think I remember seeing that picture somewhere, now that you bring that up.
Did he pocket that trillion? And 15 million minimum wage jobs? Cause my city didn't see that great rebound.. pretty sure much of America didn't either. Unless your talking about the major cities. But what about Detroit, I don't think they saw that either.
Gas back to $2. Eh. It fluctuated but more or less.
This reminded me if the old man with the fishing pole from that commercial. "I gotcha a dollar" "ohh you gotta be quickerthan that."
But your right. We could have done better than Trump. Could have done better than Obama. But with the limited options there are... You know, the 2 options only, can't really be surprised by the outcome.