The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
You're on the wrong forum then sunshine ;) None of those fear round these ways :p

I went fishing, failed rather epicly although caught one pointless thing, so left it on the hook and tried to get it to play as bait for something carnivorous. No dice.
well if you know something i dont then help me see the light lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've been reading this thread The answer always seems to be "another couple of weeks"
That's just Fdd being fdd ;) tell him to actually teach people when harest time is and he'll get pissy, likes the attention at times ;) Billy is right, it's ready when you decide it's ready. Everyone likes things slightly different to the next, so learn what you like :)

All i know is i've plenty of weed in my jars :D Which reminds me, should be able to send out that um cooking oil tomorrow for you Robbie if ya reading, got about 4g i can spare.


Well-Known Member
Acid youve still got a lot of white pistals and they havent started to retract yet and some trichs look clear still so i'd say a week or 2 at least! lol



RIU Bulldog
Man, what the fuck, who here thinks google is this friendly company? You can't even create a youtube account any more without giving them a phone number or that of your friends. They can go get fucked in that case the bunch of useless wankers. I reckon they have a heavy involvement with law enforcement folk. Only reason they'd do that kind of thing.
Google makes me nervous as fuck. I hate that everything you do now requires a google account, and you can't close your google account once you open one. Very Orwellian to me.


Well-Known Member
showed my gf that spider vid earlyer.... she wuz puttin the toys awy jus now so...... i locked the door, switched the light off an taunted muhaha:twisted:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Fighting or singing hahahaha, only a true southern boy knows the sheers truth of that question :D at my last job i had a colleague, and every time we went out his missus would tell us all to keep him off the cider if it was the alst thing we did, he'd turn into the worlds biggest twat the moment it hit his lips :D