The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
yeh i kno nt sure y tho as i moved the light alot closer abt a week ago if nt lnger
if your only using a cfl you can have the light almost ontop of the seedling , about 4-5cm away just keep moving it as it grows , if that seedling was half that hight it would still be quite stretched. when you repot it try to get it as deep as you can and cover some stem up otherwise your plant will tip over and maybe snap the stem. dont worry you should be fine :)


Well-Known Member
would u say it needs repottin now? and fank u
if uv got the space then any time that u can see roots out the bottom of the pot then u re-pot to sumthin bigger, it allows ur plant more root space and therefore it'll grow better....................simples.


Well-Known Member
hard to say , i repot when there is enough root structure , if its been in that cup more than a few weeks you should be ok to repot


Well-Known Member
anhve done worse....oh god, ahve done worse....came home one nite, decided i wasnt wasted enuff but the only thing in the house was amatryptilene mortar and pestle'd then a nice fat blue(??) line....ah swear to god in all my life ive never felt pain like it, rolling about my kitchen clutching my face almost screaming, total agony, then......blackness....woke up next morning in fuckin idea how i managed it.
I've sniffed MDMA crystals a few times stings the fuck out of the inside of your skull and only half your head the side you snort it on, not good


Well-Known Member
I've sniffed MDMA crystals a few times stings the fuck out of the inside of your skull and only half your head the side you snort it on, not good
done that too, bout 4 or 5 years ago i was shiffting anything that earned a quid . me and the wicked witch were sat having a beer and i pulled the mdma out, cracked a bit and added it to a very small line of white. so i sniffed it and just monged. she hauled me for it the next day 'you were wasted you useless cunt , that was no fun for me..blah,blah.blah.fuckin blah'...........i had NO fuckin idea what the daft boot was babbling about.


Well-Known Member
done that too, bout 4 or 5 years ago i was shiffting anything that earned a quid . me and the wicked witch were sat having a beer and i pulled the mdma out, cracked a bit and added it to a very small line of white. so i sniffed it and just monged. she hauled me for it the next day 'you were wasted you useless cunt , that was no fun for me..blah,blah.blah.fuckin blah'...........i had NO fuckin idea what the daft boot was babbling about.
Same happened to me my mate tucked me up on my B/day mad night that was off my nut driving down my mates road in Cardiff 1 am Sunday morning in my other mates car, i must of triggered the alarm on the fob when getting in because as we came to the corner the alarm started going off my mate looked up and there was a white van coming towards us he's got 2 parcels with large amounts of money in them we thought we were busted for sure until the van passed by lol


Well-Known Member
all gd mate, been up with baby since 630 so were jus sitting having a cuddle on the sofa watching cbeebies an having a cuppa, well we were im on the pc now lol, hows you n everyone else today?


morning all,im sound.I have just started with a new company and i dont have to work weekends !!!!!!!!! I am at a bit of a lost end to be honest?


Well-Known Member
morning all,im sound.I have just started with a new company and i dont have to work weekends !!!!!!!!! I am at a bit of a lost end to be honest?
same here mate, went from working 6-7days a week on the agency to mon-fri working for the company direct an even though im doing 1-2 days less im on more money lmao, not used to having weekends off though, this is prob the first time in bout 10 years ive not worked weekends or 2 jobs at once