The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i carnt be arsed chedz it aint banter m8 its annoying.

banter would have been me replying well your a big enough cock for all the ladies of the thread ukrg included lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
3eyes how do.
na i agree sambo, it is boring now. fun having banter time to time but does feel like we got a child in the thread now whos determinded to slag anybody off at any givin time. just ignore them as she reads this n will b feeling like shes getting that attention her parents never gave her haha n carry it on;-)


Well-Known Member
i carnt be arsed chedz it aint banter m8 its annoying.

banter would have been me replying well your a big enough cock for all the ladies of the thread ukrg included lol
Hey pal your right im even considerin re entering porn films and settin up a escort agency lol it seems to me that i could nt lose fuck all lol


Well-Known Member
lmfao............. wel ard...............

it was shamefull, really bad got a good friend who not a happy camper about that programme lol
I've worked the doors in the port and other areas around here and it is a fair reflection of the shit you got to put up with but the doormen were very poor and inexperienced somebody needs to teach them how to deal with people before they get hurt (which won't be long death threats have already been issued lol)


Well-Known Member
Snowing as I type lad. It's going down to -16 by all accounts, with wind chill taking it down to -23,ffs. Coldest I have ever seen it in the Dam. Still Jamaica in the cabinet though :o)

cold in the dam too is it dst? all over europe isnt it? u got any snow or ought there?
Any of you guys see this the other day? It's funny as fuck and yes before you ask it is a fair reflection of Newport
Sooo frustrating, iplayer and all the other catch ups don't let me play cause I am in cloggie land...grr.


Well-Known Member
Any you guys ever heard of a strain called Pepe? (refrain from the denim jokes please, lol) Supposedly a Haze, I have been asked to test out a batch. Any info let me know guys?


Well-Known Member
Pukka's dne G13 was his pride n joy (pic in his ava). Am waitin for a SLH to show a bit more root before a start it but not any prev experience. Best to ask Pukka he's dne slh also


Well-Known Member
what strains you working with lol? which haze do you think is the best? around my ends there's mostly amnesia and slh but i wouldn't mind mind trying tangerine dream
They're all good mate,if grown properly and you get a good pheno, bit like pot luck. A think a would go with the tangerine dream persinally


Well-Known Member
So Pepe is a G13skunk pheno from what I can see. Anyone with any furthe rinfo please let me know? cheers, D

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
im not the haze man fella. i like my chese,blue cheese, ak,jacks, chronic, powerplants, pot gold,n old school skunk really.
I prob need get with the times abit tho as all sorts new tasty crosses about. the dog springs too mind haha
i have a blue cheese on the go at the min and a baby rom/blackrose. will up the count in month or so and have a dog kush all ready