The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
that EXO u sent me at 49 days was nice sam matey,,id even go as dfar to say i THINK i preffrreed it to full harvest,,or that may have been coz i hadent smoket neyfink good for a whil? itherway 49 days and KAPOW!! ndont happen often
i got 4oz of that plant and it was in the smallest pot of the 4 lol thats my point not its the nicest smoke it aint, not its the greatest it aint but tell me another strain that could do that in 49days???????


Well-Known Member
i got 4oz of that plant lol thats my point not its the nicest smoke it aint, not its the greatest it aint but tell me another strain that could do that in 49days???????
yeh that kali mist i did was 6 weeks and was spankin!! dence aqnd tastey... i think thats what u got rob

was reading sumwer sum1 strain was going on 20 weeks and stil not ready!!lol guess thats a sativa haha LESSON!! u would just have to wait it out after that long wouldnt ya?

anyone growing those ridiculously expesvie seds atm?


Well-Known Member
yeh that kali mist i did was 6 weeks and was spankin!! dence aqnd tastey... i think thats what u got rob

was reading sumwer sum1 strain was going on 20 weeks and stil not ready!!lol guess thats a sativa haha LESSON!! u would just have to wait it out after that long wouldnt ya?
no offence but kali mist at 6wks i aint even gonna comment, all i say is exo is a commercial strain it aint the greatest but you would be hard pressed to find a better smoke that yields as much, finishes as quick, is as easy to grow and stink as much.


Well-Known Member
no offence but kali mist at 6wks i aint even gonna comment, all i say is exo is a commercial strain it aint the greatest but you would be hard pressed to find a better smoke that yields as much, finishes as quick, is as easy to grow and stink as much.
was 12-12 from clone and ended up been JACK! lol fuking morons haha got sum pics sumwer




Well-Known Member
had to resort to the jim torbet scenario to eventually win...god the lengths i'll go to to fuckin slap doon sumcunts.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
All about making your presence known :D Once i get my new house or flat (trial shift for this place is on thursday, any day now!) i'm gonna be shouting at everyone for various clones. Namely i just want exo back on the go and to see what Las' SLH is all about :)


Well-Known Member
fuck id forgot abot that plant piercing i had was sum clown goin on about the cycles of the moon and how you can only chop when the moons full, now ive no doubt the moon does affect certain things in the natural world, tides being an obvious one, but this fucker was giving it the full on hippy tree hugger shit so i listened patiently and did the decent thing...i slapped fuck out of him for about 20 post until him and his fuckin thai dye t shirt fucked off...i fuckin HATE hippies.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
.i fuckin HATE hippies.
Glad i'm not the only one :D

I hate most stoners tbh, they suddenly think they have to listen to reggae and wear Rastafarian colours or it's somehow cool to wear things with weed leaves printed on them. Grow the fuck up you pathetic attention seeking bellend! Pisses me right off, they suddenly think that if they are a "stoner" then they must act and look like a stoner, no, you're called Freddie, you work at tesco, stop being such a penis. I don't walk around in daily life punching people and kicking over bins just because i like to drink beer! Grow the fuck up you insecure piece of shit!


Well-Known Member
well just made my snap for work tomoz ... finally getting off my arse and getting back into body building!
Tomoz i got 3 pitta breads with chicken , lettuce , potatoe salad and coleslaw on em , 4 mini scotch eggs , 2 bannanas , 2 boiled eggs and 4 jacobs crackers with peanut butter and jam on them and a good old bag of beef hula hoops .... being that its monday ill also be having my bacon and sausage baguette from the cafe lol ... protein shake n wheatabix for breaky , swimming after work , then same again tomoz but going gym to train chest n tri's .... time to get some decent size back lol


Well-Known Member
I heard that if you harvest during the peak of mother natures period cycle whilst pixies fall out her ass onto colonic trampolines is beast for peak potency.

fuck id forgot abot that plant piercing i had was sum clown goin on about the cycles of the moon and how you can only chop when the moons full, now ive no doubt the moon does affect certain things in the natural world, tides being an obvious one, but this fucker was giving it the full on hippy tree hugger shit so i listened patiently and did the decent thing...i slapped fuck out of him for about 20 post until him and his fuckin thai dye t shirt fucked off...i fuckin HATE hippies.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well just made my snap for work tomoz ... finally getting off my arse and getting back into body building!
Tomoz i got 3 pitta breads with chicken , lettuce , potatoe salad and coleslaw on em , 4 mini scotch eggs , 2 bannanas , 2 boiled eggs and 4 jacobs crackers with peanut butter and jam on them and a good old bag of beef hula hoops .... being that its monday ill also be having my bacon and sausage baguette from the cafe lol ... protein shake n wheatabix for breaky , swimming after work , then same again tomoz but going gym to train chest n tri's .... time to get some decent size back lol
I've never seen the point in going to the gym myself, i mean why would i, i am unable to put on weight, but damn, at least you eat a balanced diet while you do it :) My mate, he's just decided to get back into the gym, so basically, you all know of him through various stories, but he is full blown retarded, don't think he's been cheked but i reckon a doctor would agree with me, he figures that if he needs to be working out and such, he'll eat NOTHING but eggs and rice and protein shakes. I'm no nutritional expert, but no matter what you are trying to achieve it still seems reasonable to assume you need to maintain a balanced diet even if you are packing more carbs in or whatnot, seems to me like the opposit but same of going on a diet to lose weight and thinking right, in that case i'll just eat newspaper.


Well-Known Member
totally agree tip, drives me fuckin nuts. they get all this 'ganja wisdom' start prattling on about the Word of Bob. and telling you you've gotta REALLY listen to pink floyd...i end up fuckin snappin and doin my full on nazi skinhead bit. ive found very effective.


Well-Known Member
totally agree tip, drives me fuckin nuts. they get all this 'ganja wisdom' start prattling on about the Word of Bob. and telling you you've gotta REALLY listen to pink floyd...i end up fuckin snappin and doin my full on nazi skinhead bit. ive found very effective.
yeh be like me wearing a I GROW WEED t-shirt IMO and yeh nothing worse than a hippie!! OTHERTHAN a LIBERAL hippie!! ffs ther a nitemare
so just got sum weed of last resort suzi and low and behold! WE GOT THE CHRONIC" but knowing this area it will be grey elepehant or sum shit haha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
totally agree tip, drives me fuckin nuts. they get all this 'ganja wisdom' start prattling on about the Word of Bob. and telling you you've gotta REALLY listen to pink floyd...i end up fuckin snappin and doin my full on nazi skinhead bit. ive found very effective.
What do you mean you start snapping? Didn't you know? You're not allowed emotions if you toke, you're either happy and chilled, or you need to atke another hit on the bong. Word on the street has it that if you smoke weed it removes all of your emotions until you become this all loving and caring marigold glove or some such bullshit. That annoys me greatly. If i'm high, i am still perfectly capapble of getting angry or frustrated! You have to be fucked up in the head to think otherwise but hey, read most any thread on this forum and apparently i'm wrong, hit that bong sir!