The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
My ex-girlfriend could not take criticism.

At least, that was the basic theme of her suicide note.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
got a couple of seeds of it waiting to be popped right here :) supposed to be a great strain, althouhg i've heard things about barnies and hermies from mr west i think it was.

with regard to price, the same price any weed should be priced at, £160 a ounce :) and even then it shouldn't be priced at £160, pikey fucking growers/deaelers


Well-Known Member
i sell for 190 euro a oz in ireland. so its about 160 pounds. most people over here charge 300 a oz but i like to spread the love!!


Well-Known Member
yeah ive heard of it , my mates growing one right now and sum1 popped up with a bit a few weeks ago , never smoked it myself but its supposed to be very fuckin good. dunno bout price but goin by the reports on it i'd expect up around the £200 mark, maybe more.


Well-Known Member
yeah im chuffed for spurs. but i hope they turn up at the start next year for the qualifier and dont spend all summer in ibiza roasting!


Well-Known Member
any one hear of red dragon by same breeder? friend has some seeds he got rather than the LSD ordered... the fuckers sold as LSD and had a sticker over the name! :-O

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
im lookin for a decent range of nutrients for my next grow as im goin nft so any hydro type nutes will work
iv bought everythin i need and i got the nutriculture power gro a&b leaf and a&b flower free (4 x 500ml bottles)
but iv just checkd an after adding a and b leaf together it,s npk is 4.32/0.85/5.84 and the flower is 3.70/1.42/6.52
from what iv heard an npk of 20-10-10 is good for veg and for flowering 5-20-10 is good (i could be wrong)
so im just wanderin what everyone uses and what the npk is ???
i know each strain is different but im lookin at an average npk an am i right that mj is very similar in needs to tomatoes?

mr west

Well-Known Member
got a couple of seeds of it waiting to be popped right here :) supposed to be a great strain, althouhg i've heard things about barnies and hermies from mr west i think it was.

with regard to price, the same price any weed should be priced at, £160 a ounce :) and even then it shouldn't be priced at £160, pikey fucking growers/deaelers
it was me but ive gone agaionst my word and bought 2x pineapple chunk from barneys bollox so ill plant them soon wen i take some things oput lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
wot do u mean roach style? I just roll up a small bit of thin card and poke it in the end of me joint?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
exactly. it was a thread about roaches, card roaches. dumb as it is. in came the culturally diverse understanding of the term roach, to which i tried to clarify. all of a sudden it becomes why do europeans do that shit. and all of a sudden i'm on ban patrol :lol: as sad as it sounds it makes me feel good about myself :) haha

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
tut tut tut tip top you will keep confusing the yanks lol!!!
you know there not the sharpest tools in the box i wonder how confused thay would be if you try an explain a dog end is a roach lol!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, you'd even have me spinning with lingo like that :lol: i'm very simplistic with my terms, it's a joint or a spliff, roach and rizla. nothing more. sod all this zoot towny chav nonsense :lol:

ultimate buds

Well-Known Member
a dog end is the left over bit you throw in the ash tray (the butt)
i cant beleive that guy is he a mod ? this site is gettin where you cant speak without someone takin offence i always thought us stoners were pretty chilld out an relaxd oh well its all good fun lol!!!


Well-Known Member
i gotta stop drinking for some1 who thinks he dont drink much i seem to be getting threw alot of vodka recently??? not in ur gangster leagues UB n dura with anti booze tabs n all that lol i dont even drink beer lol but keep gettin on the vodka night after night not good.


Well-Known Member
up here we call a dog end a 'doubt' at least thats how it it sounds , ive never actully written down the word before, if sumone wanted a couple of drags on the last bit of your cigarette they would ask for 'last draws on your doubt' or 'two's up on your last draws'. or alternatively 'geez yer cig or ahll boot yer cunt in '.( we're sumtimes an abrupt nation i've noticed.)


Well-Known Member
prices just seem to be going up n up! was offered some proper ak47 a few days ago, was lovely stuff but £240 an oz! i couldnt do it thats some crazy prices was also reading on riu read it 3 times from different uk users that people in there areas are charging £15 a gram! and i thought a tenner was bad enough!


Well-Known Member
i'm actually thinkin about giving it up almost completely, ive realised that i have no control over it at all, i cant just have a couple of drinks, its an all or nuthin thing with me, ideally i'd only drink on special occasions; festivals, birthdays, new year etc. but ive been drinking every weekend more or less since i was 12 or 13 years old and its destroyed a lot of things in my life; relationships , houses, jobs, an unbelievable amount of money, and created problems for my family and friends, not to mention the health and mental issues. the U.K has always had a heavy drinking culture and scotland especially with the west of scotland probably the epicentre of it all, me and my mates really don't know a different way of life.


Well-Known Member
whats it like getting solid hash out there? its a fuckin hit or a miss round here right now, theres always bits and pieces round here but the quality is all over the place, ive got a fuckin half oz of the worst fuckin hash ive ever had my hands on, i was actually goin to throw it away its that fuckin bad, if u have a joint last thing b4 bed u wake up with the most godawful taste in ur mouth, i thought i'd been sleep-muffing the girl at first but as i didnt have shit up my nostrils i knew it was the hash.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah you crack me up dura, drink is a way of life for us up north man i realised a while back theres no point fighting it man, its just depressing, i tried a self imposed drink holiday supposedly for a month, lasted 3 days. long fucking 3 days man i tell ya