The UK Growers Thread!

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
exactly the same pitch as my loft !

as it happens tomorrow is make a start day , ive to loft board it first as its not done and then im using 6mm mdf on the sides rather than polly , im thinking of maybeeeeee making the sides slide to have ease of getting at the plants , the mdf will get covered with a bit of insulation and ive a plastic pipe about 5 mm that ill chop into for extraction , intake will be passive , i intend to stick about 4 lights inline and maybe considering either having the lights fixed to save with the fuckin about or going for leds due to a suspicion of loads of heat , ive got 3-4 air cooled hoods around the place but being honest the quality isnt as id expect plus its a twat trying to move hooked up lights and trying not to pull the dam ducting off accidentally , ill paint the good side of the mdf , the floor will be tarped to make sure no water issues and the plants will be in grow bag trays

fun fun
Oh this fucker is starting to give me a headache, fucking light proof poly my arse!

I've got plants in it but only under some CFL's.
The intake is not flowing right, there's light leaks to deal with, I've run out of poly and duct tape but at least the plants aren't sat in the dark any more. lol

I so need a double tent.


Well-Known Member
i was trying o get her to go but she refused?! birds man...

she seems to have slept ok so she how she goes but she might have to go this mornin. fuck i hate the a&e normal times but bank holiday it's full of absolute bellends
Ahhh those women can't accept defeat sometimes Lol try and pursuade her.a+e is wank full of pissheads last time I went daughter got one of those Teddy's wiggle eye things stuck up her nose Lol got there she sneezed and it came out Pmsl


Well-Known Member
bong! gooooooood morning growers ;) thought id throw you up some good morning pics they are a lil blurry but.............................................


redeye jedi88

Active Member
You mean this one? :D

View attachment 2642138

I'm in the opposit boat :( Lost the console and controllers during the move but still have the games. Nothings been made that in any way compares to mario kart so does tempt me to pick up a cheap second hand n64. So many good games to be played. Havn't played perfect dark in donkeys years.
thats the one top game that, was well disappointed when i couldnt find it me and my mates was well up for a blaze and mario kart day bring back some old memories


Well-Known Member
Fuckin ell delboy it only yesterday they were babies don't they groow fast lollookin good tho mate good job
taking off aint the phrase m8 its like ive hit a NOS button without realising lol its only day 37 since i repotted into the 5ltrs. if my smile gets any bigger im just gunna be a huge grin with a body, arms n legs lol ;)


Well-Known Member
How many have u got in there again is it 9? Think I might have to do something like this when I'm ready for cloning
yer 9 m8, with a few alterations to my methods ive found a way of getting 16 in ;)

yeah looks like it think im gona have to go for that critical on my next run looks lush, what size tent and pots you using there?
its a gr8 strain m8 but you have to find a good pheno to get desired results. i suggest popping a few and picking the best suited ;) tent is 1x1x2m, the pots are 5 liter painters buckets and the light is still a 400w maxibright dimmable. combination of the dimmable ballast ( 440w sl ) and bulb selection ( sylvania growlux ) is pushing my lumens upto or near what a 600 would put out but with less heat ;)


Well-Known Member
delvite, delvite what ya gunna do.............what ya gunna do with 35k+ views! muhahaha check it out ppl theres my grin getting bigger BONG! ;)