The UK Growers Thread!

buy some dutch master reverse and get them sprayed, should sort the ball issue out. IF u can fand the stuff, a ur bak it was kinda hard to find.

so how is everyone? today is the big day. clone time! just gunna take 10 for now 5 physco and 5 PE and see hwat happens, as a great boxer once said. if they die,they die.
whats that ice ice taking the biggest clone for jayt........lololol
buy some dutch master reverse and get them sprayed, should sort the ball issue out. IF u can fand the stuff, a ur bak it was kinda hard to find.

so how is everyone? today is the big day. clone time! just gunna take 10 for now 5 physco and 5 PE and see hwat happens, as a great boxer once said. if they die,they die.
buy some dutch master reverse and get them sprayed, should sort the ball issue out. IF u can fand the stuff, a ur bak it was kinda hard to find.

so how is everyone? today is the big day. clone time! just gunna take 10 for now 5 physco and 5 PE and see hwat happens, as a great boxer once said. if they die,they die.

Hahahaha rocky 4 loved that when in was a kid .. just make sure u get loads of that clone gel on the stem I'm sure you'll keep em alive ice ;)
Oh temps at 26 today fookin perfect Lol. Can't believe I shoved the bubba mum in the flower rent last nyt schemes almost as tall as the ones that have been flowering 5 week . Gonna be a monster
I have been continuously growin dif strains for some years...mebbe 70 % of photoperiod is fukin gash and I cant get stoned off it cos I have a 3-8 g perday habit, the auto s must be worse even an auto grower didn't wanna give a sample cos its too gashy for a smoker. What is the case for growing autos inside...fukin puzzles me
God know just the thought of growing an aoto makes me cringe Lol especially indoors paying form electric just do a photo 12/12 from seed instead no???
fuk autos, only way id run them is if 1,free and2 over the otehr side of my OP, getting 2 jack haze cuts tomoz, prolly replace the bbc ones, dunno il see

yeh ima drip sum hormone in the jiffy hole then give the cut a good dunk too, obv il leave the cuts in water after theyve been snipped and cut them 45 degree while under water too, did sum1 says put sums mall slits up the stem? to help roots get out i guess, anwyays, will be onnit tonight and see hwat happens, got sum clean snaley blades so il sterlise em before i go :)

how long do i soak these jiffys for?
Yeh sambo just to put a little slit right in the middle of the 45° cut and scrape the stem with the blade to flake it up a bit worked a treat for me ;) good luck Ice its a piece a piss

Oh and soak em for 5 mins they swell up quick its mad and remember squeeze out excess water as they get soggy
yeh just the physco are real; skiny stems, so i must be careful, should be all ok anwyays, il just take my time, should be much cooler down ther today spec with the new extraction system and the shitty weather,
il get the inlet finished this week and whoola wer all done
20130728-00042 (1).jpgBlue grape dream 12/12 from seed @ 17 days20130728-00044 (1).jpg20130728-00042 (8).jpg 2 x blue cheese20130728-00042 (7).jpg20130728-00042 (6).jpg20130728-00042 (5).jpg20130728-00042 (4).jpgDinafem cheese20130728-00042 (3).jpgone of the balls i pulled of the kush20130728-00042 (2).jpg20130728-00044 (2).jpg holy grail kush

some pics from this morning while i had them out for feeding. the last pic is the holy grail kush that has went hermie
My temps a lot better today lovely growing weather Lol. As long as ya blade is proper razor sharp you'll be fine just be delicate with them great ARD hands of yours lol
Just curious gary did u flip em strait from seedlings before they showed sex? I know loads of folk do it with no problems but I've read if UB flip em before they mature and show sex that can make em Hermie . And read it from a ed Rosenthal book and he knows his shit

And is that perlite in your pots Cuz the worst crop i ever had i used perlite!!! But some folk love it obviously not for my set up