The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Lmao as director of beer my first proviso was that there would be nothing brewed as a 'session' beer. Premium and above lad. Haha did you really have me pegged as slow strength beer kinda guy :lol:
Not really but so many new breweries cave in coz of the lower duty rate on the lower strength beers lol


Well-Known Member
Yeh I got a plastic card with my wacky bag perfect for chopping up Ice wash with ;) I'll agree there it is the little things that make a difference sometimes.@ Rambo have u ever sampled the Pakistani off Spanish ?? Its lovely stuff mate really smooth smells feckin gorgeous and I'm only half way down me joint and can feel it kicking my arse lol


Well-Known Member
Yeh I got a plastic card with my wacky bag perfect for chopping up Ice wash with ;) I'll agree there it is the little things that make a difference sometimes.@ Rambo have u ever sampled the Pakistani off Spanish ?? Its lovely stuff mate really smooth smells feckin gorgeous and I'm only half way down me joint and can feel it kicking my arse lol
lmao do u ever read my posts??? ive smoked about as many g's of that paki as your I.Q which must be at least 50-60??? lmao

you will never go wrong with SP hes one of the best.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Not really but so many new breweries cave in coz of the lower duty rate on the lower strength beers lol
It's actually a flat rate unless more than 7.5% or lower than 2.8% and then the tax is actually a lot higher on low ABV drinks.

[h=1]Alcohol Duty[/h]
Alcohol typeRate
Rate per litre of pure alcohol
Spirits-based: Ready-to-drinks£28.22
Wine and made-wine:
Exceeding 22% abv
Rate per hectolitre per cent of alcohol in the beer
Beer - General Beer Duty£19.12
Beer - high strength:
Exceeding 7.5% abv - in addition to the General Beer Duty
Beer - lower strength:
Exceeding 1.2% - not exceeding 2.8% abv
Rate per hectolitre of product
Still cider and perry:
Exceeding 1.2% - not exceeding 7.5% abv
Still cider and perry:
Exceeding 7.5% - less than 8.5% abv
Sparkling cider and perry:
Exceeding 1.2% - not exceeding 5.5% abv
Sparkling cider and perry:
Exceeding 5.5% - less than 8.5% abv
Wine and made-wine:
Exceeding 1.2% - not exceeding 4% abv
Wine and made-wine:
Exceeding 4% - not exceeding 5.5% abv
Still wine and made-wine:
Exceeding 5.5% - not exceeding 15% abv
Wine and made-wine:
Exceeding 15% - not exceeding 22% abv
Sparkling wine and made-wine:
Exceeding 5.5% - less than 8.5% abv
Sparkling wine and made-wine:
8.5% and above - not exceeding 15% abv

Rates of Alcohol Duty from 25 March 2013

There's no money in spirits even if distilling your own cos the tax is crippling but artisan beers and RTD's are a good game to get into for sure.


Well-Known Member
lmao do u ever read my posts??? ive smoked about as many g's of that paki as your I.Q which must be at least 50-60??? lmao

you will never go wrong with SP hes one of the best.

Lol you cunt oi im a clever lad just a bit slow lmao..Yeh its nice tackle like here in 4 days aswell Yeh think he is one if the best I'm gonna have to buy more coins now gotta have more of this. And you know I don't read your always talk shit ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I know man lol, that said customs are looking for the folks to chase too man ;) the US snaffle a parcel randomly they photo the parcel and contents to flag in future.


Well-Known Member
those companies cave because they are greedy. lower the profit margin, make good beer word spreads. sell more. upped market share is yours on rep alone.
yup, maybe make ya first beer a kinda tribute beer for the old newky brown factory or summat lmao,that recently got the chop didnt it

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah it moved over the river. tbh not many locals still drink it. the recipe was altered years back. i will if there's nothin nice in the shelf but mix a bottle 50/50 with smirnoff ice and it's a whole new level

first beer was hopped to high heaven, nice still though.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Fuck em on principle, lol.

They got enough from Marc Emery!....:lol:
i just wish they'd pack in their ridiculous double standard laws bollocks. state says your good to grow with a bit of plastic on your wallet but the feds will fuck you over in heartbeat if you get too big for your boots lol. backwards much.


Well-Known Member
fucking crazy buy legal in one state forget its in your car drive hundred miles or how ever long to the wrong state and then that half key or whatever is jailtime.............

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
There's not many state's left without med canna laws now though, I think they've only got to do 8 or so and that's the whole of the USA compliant with state med laws.

They might as well just fucking get it over with now.