The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yeh booze is a killer but I only.have it now n again.....Yeh seen some vids of folk smoking DMT on a weed bowl and they use hardly any and then there trippin their balls off ta fuck...I want some a that


Well-Known Member
Yes , scrapings Shawny, when I was in the phillipens , I had some drink they made out of coconut tree sap, I had about 2 mouthfuls , next I know I'm semi comotosed being carried threw a market !, woke up at m8s gaff lots later, Any idea what that was Z ? , Rambone will prob know.
NOT COCONUT, but perhaps the Datura plant, scopolamine.....nasty shit even I would do that cos some don't come back....favourite drug of raping murdering south American street crims


Well-Known Member
NOT COCONUT, but perhaps the Datura plant, scopolamine.....nasty shit even I would do that cos some don't come back....favourite drug of raping murdering south American street crims
Is that the shit they blow in peoples faces and turns on into some sort of zombie that will do anything? Crazy shit


Well-Known Member
you use to be able to buy this on the first silkroad lolol


seems silkroad 2 survived them busts and is going strong again, most vendors are not risking holding money in escrow no more so want FE but there still a few who will let you stay in escrow, everythings still available just a tad more risky.


Well-Known Member
NOT COCONUT, but perhaps the Datura plant, scopolamine.....nasty shit even I would do that cos some don't come back....favourite drug of raping murdering south American street crims
Ahhh right , yes prob that Z, I was safe, was out with family tribe, my step mother is philipeno , it was them taking me home, been on beach having hog roast .


Well-Known Member
you use to be able to buy this on the first silkroad lolol


seems silkroad 2 survived them busts and is going strong again, most vendors are not risking holding money in escrow no more so want FE but there still a few who will let you stay in escrow, everythings still available just a tad more risky.
ok man lemme know


Well-Known Member
just got a call to say my landlord wants to change time of my inspection this week, now its gonna be much later in the day, what im wondering is if any of u have experience of leaving 5 weeks flowered plants in complete darkness for 18-19 hrs, then back to normal 12/12 after that, this is the only option i have available so dont have much choice but dont wanna fuck my girls up completely


Well-Known Member
i agree with rolla, but what did i tell you about that slag of a landlord of yours?!?! they love to fuck people about


Well-Known Member
Bad one Gary. Over here some fella ate his landlords heart over a game of chess (no joke google it haha) the last day. Tell her if it happens again you'll chow down on her.