The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Aright poo pokers how are we all? Can't wait to get back on Friday to check me clones see how they all doing...been doin nothing for 3 days just watching wagons back I tell ya its better than pullin ya back out grafting all day mate...expensive here tho you can tell folk have money u can smell it around ere....£4.20 a pint £8.50 for fish n chips piss tek man...just blazed a fatty of amnesia haze and cheese eyes feel all cool and mellow ;)


Well-Known Member
Looks nice that yorkie I'm not really a drinker but round out way I'm sure its 2.80 a pint obviously the posher places are a lot more but general boozers no more than £3 cheap paki food aye burrgghhh place near me does a mega kebab £10 and it can easily feed 6 people and a couple of dogs lol but that's what its fit for....a dog


Well-Known Member
Aye the lads found one last night actually might go there tonight or just hit the dreaded Mc d's....8 oz rib eye £19 at one place fuckin £19


Well-Known Member
food, I got sheperds pie for lunch with lots melted cheese, mrs is a crackin cook thinksill have some broccoli and cucumber salad with it ....nice


Well-Known Member
Lol tell me about it Rambo shits mental hahaha brocolli and cucumber salad aye I've just had a tescos spicy chicken pasta lol I'd lobe a homemade cottage pie right now ya lucky fucker


Well-Known Member
hg just smoked a blunt mixed much better, what u gotta member is that other sample was a long time ago and the very first time u run them strains, i still personally think you should buy a bag of allmix some grow n bloom maybe topmax and do yaself a percy organics cause the flavor is much better in organics.

do like a nice sized sample from the irish especially knowing what prices them greedy cunts charge lmao niceone mg much appreciated.

i carnt drink tonight been spewing most the morning lol but ill do me best one night to slate it just for you ya sick e-thug lol


Well-Known Member
If the smoke alarm doesn't go off in my house at tea time then we must be havin salad lol , na I do all my own cooking or I eat out, no bitch in my house and that's how I like it
sounds good mate but I go a bit nuts without a woman on tap, drive yeh nuts but wouldn't have it any other way, id be a dead fuk kill myself with booze and drugs miss the whole going to a wine bar (Hampshire remember) and pullin, such a buzz but a ballache too the next day


Well-Known Member
hg just smoked a blunt mixed much better, what u gotta member is that other sample was a long time ago and the very first time u run them strains, i still personally think you should buy a bag of allmix some grow n bloom maybe topmax and do yaself a percy organics cause the flavor is much better in organics.

do like a nice sized sample from the irish especially knowing what prices them greedy cunts charge lmao niceone mg much appreciated.

i carnt drink tonight been spewing most the morning lol but ill do me best one night to slate it just for you ya sick e-thug lol
m8 there's no doubt there's a difference in taste from soil to hydro but if I can produce weed like that with as little time and effort as possible I'm quite happy. I dont weigh samples just pick nice lookin buds, if I weighed it then I'd convert to pound signs then it wouldn't get sent lmao


Well-Known Member
m8 there's no doubt there's a difference in taste from soil to hydro but if I can produce weed like that with as little time and effort as possible I'm quite happy. I dont weigh samples just pick nice lookin buds, if I weighed it then I'd convert to pound signs then it wouldn't get sent lmao
i get what ya saying, i never did it always wanted to grow hydro tho for the speed,yield and like you say easiness once you got it all dialed in, some of the dwc grows not lemons lmao ive seen on this site just make me think thats gotta be the way to grow, then ive tasted so much soil grown same strains all the time, n comparing them to other mediums in taste, it really does taste that much better, but for speed,easiness etc i understand why so many grow hydro.

i said it loads of times now, i brought a 500quid flood n drain system many yrs ago, n 80quid seeds didnt have a clue, didnt know bout forums, all the seeds didnt germ lmao and i sold the system for 300quid i think a few wks later lmao

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
not heard of it mate , is it sposed to be any good, I got about 1 kilo shit to make about 15 litres juice....are these sachets or summin u talkin about?
ill get u a link mate....advanced nites love them or hate them are geared towards growing weed, people praise the arse out there gear....its a yank product......

basically there the only nute comp to sell a powderd tea..and it just so happens it works very well...ill get it now...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i get what ya saying, i never did it always wanted to grow hydro tho for the speed,yield and like you say easiness once you got it all dialed in, some of the dwc grows not lemons lmao ive seen on this site just make me think thats gotta be the way to grow, then ive tasted so much soil grown same strains all the time, n comparing them to other mediums in taste, it really does taste that much better, but for speed,easiness etc i understand why so many grow hydro.

i said it loads of times now, i brought a 500quid flood n drain system many yrs ago, n 80quid seeds didnt have a clue, didnt know bout forums, all the seeds didnt germ lmao and i sold the system for 300quid i think a few wks later lmao
Aye, it might not be on par with soil with regard to taste, but good god is DWC the way to go when it comes to being lazy. I never had to do a thing with my plants other than spend 5 or 10 minutes with them once a week re-filling the res. Soil was such a pain in comparison. Even just staying over at a mates house would involve taking into account when you had to get bak home to give them a watering.