Lemon king
Well-Known Member
is your lots cutting of exo fast in veg?? Have u all been growing it in coco?? If so how long for??
nebulousis your lots cutting of exo fast in veg?? Have u all been growing it in coco?? If so how long for??
lem this is the hierarchy of ignorance from least to most...breeder, exp grower, new grower, buyer, shotta, punter, tell em whateverfuck man not being able to order from sos has pissed me off.....not only did i want that psycho crack.....sick med seeds s1 off green crack is sold out in seconds....and has rep thru the roof.....
they were giving away strawberry diesel regs (must be devils harvests one)....
i fancy abit of strawberry something different .....been reading up on kkushman strawberry cough.....big yields...
purple weed is a must have in London atm.....everyone wants it!!!
you popped up concepts in that post which I saw as clouds hence nebulous ya gayDefinition of nebulous in English:
Line breaks: nebu|lous
Pronunciation: /ˈnɛbjʊləs
1In the form of a cloud or haze; hazy: ‘a giant nebulous glow’
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1.1 another term for nebular.
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2(Of a concept) vague or ill-defined: ‘nebulous concepts like quality of life’
More example sentences‘Most irritating of all, I'm finding that my brain is absolutely unable to cope with vague, nebulous concepts or ideas.’
‘Ultimately, it's not politics that makes the world go round but generosity, but for a lot of people that's a very nebulous concept.’
‘Yet dark energy is a nebulous concept, one that has thus far flummoxed some of the smartest researchers on the planet.’
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Pronunciation: /-ˈlɒsɪti/
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late Middle English (in the sense 'cloudy'): from French nébuleux or Latin nebulosus, from nebula 'mist'. sense 2 dates from the early 19th century.
and i still don't get it???
ha ha did I get that wrong mate its been a long time since I took one an when I was on em I was fukedhttp://www.nhs.uk/medicine-guides/pages/MedicineOverview.aspx?condition=Insomnia&medicine=zolpidem&preparationZolpidem 10mg tablets
thats what the fairy brough ZEDD, not ZOPPIE, still sounds interesting tho,just not feeling the memory oss lmdao
ha ha did I get that wrong mate its been a long time since I took one an when I was on em I was fuked
they r the only thing that helped me sleep back then loollol no worrys ther benzos u can snort or iv (lol) been reading up.
anyways they make u go into a bad bad depresion and loose ya memeory
sound like a winning combo to me, lets crack on.
well i was wondering if u Lott have soley been growing it in coco for set amount of years, you all have shared the same cut/cuts of said cut and 99% it is grown on coco?
i was asked a.question buy a friend earlia and he received a cutting of some ak47 that had been grown soley in coco for a few years and when he stuck it in his flood and drain the plant tool a few weeks to adjust and threw out a few mutations nothing heavy just 4 blade leafs not 5 etc......
i have read that this can be a problem as the plant gets used to growing in a certain medium, much like how a plant adapts to its enviroment after a few gens.....
does anyone know if this is true??
p.s i know its after 10 but Rambo aint ere.......lol
What ever man as I said one man's food another's poison. Some people like one their chicken roasted others like it fried and others don't like chicken altogether! Anyway I do respect your opinion and didn't think that someone could actually want to argue over someone else's tastes. Yorkshireman take it easy man peace!I've been smoking 21 years.
You're entitled to your opinion of course but you're not entitled to your own facts.
Objectively you're wrong.
Anyone know what freebies come with the blue pit? Thinking of buying it for next run n maybe that cheese they have 2