The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Can't seem to find and option a vendor on sr easy on agora is it to set up a vendors account I'm thinking about selling blueys on there.....send us an invite for agora someone....


Well-Known Member
on agora you need 0.6 of a coin in your account then when you go to the wallet there should be the option to open a vendor account, sr2 closed new vendor registration ages ago mate, only way to get a account there is buy a old one of someone.

that batch of blues you have at the min are sought after blues too, the ww stamp they been about ages and are known to be proper

u also need to learn pgp bizz is ya serious bout vending.

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Well-Known Member
I'm in on agora cheers laxx.....Yeh Rambo I need to.learn that pgp bollocks...there going for a £ a tab near enough I could buy a shit load and make a killing man....just need to get educated first lol


Well-Known Member
I'm in on agora cheers laxx.....Yeh Rambo I need to.learn that pgp bollocks...there going for a £ a tab near enough I could buy a shit load and make a killing man....just need to get educated first lol
theres alot of people selling blues mate, and once a buyer trust a vendor they tend to stick with em, your have to offer out a good amount of free blues, make them as actual listings that are free but its a actual listing that they then have to leave you feedback on.


Well-Known Member
Dunno what's going off but won't let me view the current page i get a second or so then it just cuts me internet off and I gotta load it all up again proper annoying..just managed to see about half of your post z an that's it.....but Yeh the soils great apart from the bill don't like it too much P but she'll be alright....even the haze is thriving in do you re use your soil? Mix it all up again and add more gear?
good q mate im running it on the tomato garden to see how much is left and theres a shit ton of nutes left, i havnt re run the ganj in it cos im not able to experiment and get it wrong atm but the thought is to top it up with a reduced amount of all the ingredients and the tea it and leave for ages then i would run the mj thru it man


Well-Known Member
rambo22 said:
theres alot of people selling blues mate, and once a buyer trust a vendor they tend to stick with em, your have to offer out a good amount of free blues, make them as actual listings that are free but its a actual listing that they then have to leave you feedback on.
Yeh was thinking that maybe a £100 worth more get the name started and get em liking the product then should make some sales like u say once they know theyre good I could even under cut all the other vendors lol


Well-Known Member
Yeh was thinking that maybe a £100 worth more get the name started and get em liking the product then should make some sales like u say once they know theyre good I could even under cut all the other vendors lol
yeah thats it mate, people want qaulity for as cheap as poss you would have to get ya missus or some1 on board its fucking time-consuming answering all the message's, opening up the encrypted address's printing them out etc etc and to get a name for yaself you have to on the ball, getting them orders sent out same day, answering the shitload of messages asap.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm sounds a lot a work man how the fuck did u manage lol
if your doing it alone mate its like a full time job fair play a full time job where you sit on ya arse most the day n go to a few post office's lol but its time consuming and you already work, get ya missus or someone u trust to do all the packing n posting, u just come run the page.


Well-Known Member
I'm in on agora cheers laxx.....Yeh Rambo I need to.learn that pgp bollocks...there going for a £ a tab near enough I could buy a shit load and make a killing man....just need to get educated first lol
I've a pgp app on my phone that does the job...pgp a walk in the park mate. APG is the name of the app, she's great n easy especially if ur setting up shop ur gonna have to respond on the go lad all man of the future n what not


Well-Known Member
Yeh was thinking that maybe a £100 worth more get the name started and get em liking the product then should make some sales like u say once they know theyre good I could even under cut all the other vendors lol
Once u get setup I'll buy a few to get ur rep a listing for just 2 n I'll buy ten or so of em n write random lil reviews on it n I've a little rep already so won't look 2 suspect


Well-Known Member
Just looking thru sae pills on agora and sr now what was you wanting sae and how many of...I'm no expert in the field of ecstasy so I'll go by what u say mate...they got white dominoes gold bars green grenades Mario all stars fookin all sorts man lol no turbos tho :(


Well-Known Member
Im not big up on my pills lads but i had blue grenades a few weeks ago 1 of the nicest cleanest pills ive had but if u check out pillreport im sure u will find out what is good and not


Well-Known Member
Aye I'm no expert either but thats what I'm after a nice clean hit and no nasty comedown lol these gold bars look good I like the look of the Nintendo all stars as well tho lol.but that's just cuz they look good haha