The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Well I think you need to work on your anger issues. I'm not getting involved any further in this waste of time. It's a shame you don't want to just talk herb.


Well-Known Member
I remember you mentioning those b4 when u were doing the back garden think u said u gave em away...they were smart pots weren't they?
So I seem to have lost all my little 1ltr pots wtf secret plant pot thief in the house or something? I've found 2 I had 20 ffs


Well-Known Member
Jokes don't translate via text very well, if you are in fact a light hearted joker. Bit difficult to find humour amidst talk of the holocaust and nazi's. This is a weed forum and not a political platform.


Well-Known Member
Jokes don't translate via text very well, if you are in fact a light hearted joker. Bit difficult to find humour amidst talk of the holocaust and nazi's. This is a weed forum and not a political platform.
There's fuckall wrong with this thread I think its ur lack of humour....are u a yank? I don't like midget porn so I stay away from midget porn sites, if ur not into Nazis the holocaust or necrophelia then stay away from the UK thread ffs


Well-Known Member
Jokes don't translate via text very well, if you are in fact a light hearted joker. Bit difficult to find humour amidst talk of the holocaust and nazi's. This is a weed forum and not a political platform.
so you didn't get the humour in "I hate that you're thinking that" after you'd said theres strange animosity in the thread? Lol bless.
Well we're
here every day so we like to discuss many a that OK with your sir? If you just wanna talk cannabis go onto a different fucking thread n I'll tell you one thing, this thread wouldn't of lasted so long if all we discussed was cannabis. If you wanna go help noob go onto the noob thread...n enjoy. This threads for everything
be it the ebola virus or necrophilia... It all has a home here..unless ur a pussy then prepare to be offended.


Well-Known Member
Nah I've still got those smart pots with no bases......its these little square ones I used for the last lot have just vanished lol I'm sure I'll find em in a right daft place somewhere....plants are looking loveley now this soil is the bollocks not a single yellow leaf or burnt tip optimum health all on nothing but water £2 seaweed and molasses


Well-Known Member
Jokes don't translate via text very well, if you are in fact a light hearted joker. Bit difficult to find humour amidst talk of the holocaust and nazi's. This is a weed forum and not a political platform.
this thread can be a bit of a shock, who wants to talk weed all the time, why not smoke it and talk about summin else, thats what its for ffs, weed can open the eyes man dont make any assumptions here lol most yanks cant get past my avvi, ha ha fukin jokes on them cunts


Well-Known Member
Emailed both companies today an asked for a refund on the bulb and ducting, fed up of fucking waiting for em to possibly arrive


Well-Known Member
Look man, I'm no 'sir' and just because I'm new to this forum it doesn't make me a noob in life. I've got German/Polish Jew blood back in my family and my wife is Thai so a whiff of racism sets my nose twitching. I'm no pussy either but say live and let live. U got an opinion? So have I about a whole bunch of shit. The hollocaust and social/ economic ramifications for various countries is not something many people want to talk about. Just because you are a well known member, doesn't make you an authority on anything or the gate keeper to a UK growers thread. Wind your neck in eh?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Emailed both companies today an asked for a refund on the bulb and ducting, fed up of fucking waiting for em to possibly arrive
Why i hate using ebay. I didn't pay you to sit on your arse for 3 days before putting it in the post. These days i normally just spend the extra money on things so as to obtain it from a reliable source.

If they try and make any excuses, remind them of the distance selling regulations and to go fuck themselves :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Look man, I'm no 'sir' and just because I'm new to this forum it doesn't make me a noob in life. I've got German/Polish Jew blood back in my family and my wife is Thai so a whiff of racism sets my nose twitching. I'm no pussy either but say live and let live. U got an opinion? So have I about a whole bunch of shit. The hollocaust and social/ economic ramifications for various countries is not something many people want to talk about. Just because you are a well known member, doesn't make you an authority on anything or the gate keeper to a UK growers thread. Wind your neck in eh?
This is how the UK thread works. If you cannot deal with the controversial, then don't use the thread. I'm not telling you to leave, jut telling you that this is what gets talked about in here, so take it or leave it.


Well-Known Member
Why i hate using ebay. I didn't pay you to sit on your arse for 3 days before putting it in the post. These days i normally just spend the extra money on things so as to obtain it from a reliable source.

If they try and make any excuses, remind them of the distance selling regulations and to go fuck themselves :)
Yeah normally i dont have any issues with stuff i order, just seems to be this time, they cant really argue as both items were ordered 2-3 weeks ago an havent arrived yet

Also having had a chat with friends it looks like from next week onwards with what we were talking about the other day re: me you n kuroi


Well-Known Member
Didn't call you a noob buttercup just said that cuz that's where the noobs are suppose to go for help. I don't care what blood you got or where your missus is from (FYI you're gonna get burned for that later on lol) but tbh if you're easily offended the interwebz isn't the best place for you n seeing how defensive you are were gonna have fun with you haha.
guess what you can express whatever opinion you want here without being ridiculed or alienated. Wind my neck down?...Not even gonna start on that sunshine.
Look man, I'm no 'sir' and just because I'm new to this forum it doesn't make me a noob in life. I've got German/Polish Jew blood back in my family and my wife is Thai so a whiff of racism sets my nose twIitching. I'm no pussy either but say live and let live. U got an opinion? So have I about a whole bunch of shit. The hollocaust and social/ economic ramifications for various countries is not something many people want to talk about. Just because you are a well known member, doesn't make you an authority on anything or the gate keeper to a UK growers thread. Wind your neck in eh?
oh n the well known member tags don't mean shit here or your post like ratio lol