Gringo is looking a bit of a beast, think mines gonna go 10-11 weeks due to it taking so long to flip into floweri'll do one along with everything else i run in the summer. i dont mind a couple of late nanners, just as long as there are no seeds in there.
7 weeks in, can't wait til im chopping.
Yeah smaller are easier for sure to manage but if u para about plant count then big is the way to go imosmall ones are a lot easier to deal with mate, they just don't produce any shite, all meat!.
getting half a box per plant is hard to say no to really, i already know the 3 bigguns will shit on the 13 small ones for yield but they have been a cunt to maintain, esp the cheese due to flopiness
Yeh the bigguns look beasts man deffo gonna be yeilders...haha the cheese floppyness when I took the strings off and canes out the psy just hit the floor with a thud tho made me smile hahaghbt: 11575058 said:small ones are a lot easier to deal with mate, they just don't produce any shite, all meat!.
getting half a box per plant is hard to say no to really, i already know the 3 bigguns will shit on the 13 small ones for yield but they have been a cunt to maintain, esp the cheese due to flopiness
just chuck em in a pot n in a few weeks take another lot of cuts off em n root them ready for wqhen you need em lolchecked my cuttings today 9/9 rootedproblem is i have no where to put them for 5-6 weeks lol
depends what way your window faces tbh, they will at least "survive" in the window even if they dont grow lol, aint ya got a few lightbulbs to chuck em under or summat?think they will grow ok on the windowsill