The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
One night I blasted through a load of silver bars and big square blue facebooks and loads of Valium and carried on through the next day and a night out at a gastro pub with the inlaws lol
There was a massive vending machine in my front room for quite a while and people sitting next to me whispering then I had great big dinosaur hands and when my mrs got up at seven I told her "it's not my fault the pizza is late" and shook her head and told me to go to bed which I did but I'd just dropped another bar and a load of Valium. I passed out for an hour then woke up like a boss eyed moron and just carried on lol
my last major bumble sesh me and a old member fingerz munched 15 of the original purple batteries, he passed out and smashed his nut in bad and it took me 3months of mental fuckd ness to recover, carnt handle the pills nemore oscar they send me nuts well more nuts than i already


Well-Known Member
i dunno mate, i would have considerd meself a cash cropper i didnt grow it to smoke just for the cash?
i do agree with you in theory but to me a cash cropper implies a certain volume of cash! If i pop a 25w led light in my khazi grow an eighth and sell it all does that make me a cash cropper?


Well-Known Member
fair play u got a point, but just 4 lights running a 8wk strain on a short veg you can pull a decent yearly wage?
definitely and yeah u would be a cash cropper its true lol. Just for me personally it implies something a bit larger in scale. Ive grown for 20 years and have been a cash cropper at times in my life but id never have actually called myself a cash cropper at any point if that makes ANY sense.


Well-Known Member
definitely and yeah u would be a cash cropper its true lol. Just for me personally it implies something a bit larger in scale. Ive grown for 20 years and have been a cash cropper at times in my life but id never have actually called myself a cash cropper at any point if that makes ANY sense.
i hear what ya saying, i wish id had the bollax and the location to be a real cash cropper but i didnt mate either have the gonads to go for it or the location, i been on this site since 2008 limonene and i no alot of the vets well, theres deffo a few real cash croppers about but of course they just ''hobby'' growers lmao wink wink lol


Well-Known Member
i hear what ya saying, i wish id had the bollax and the location to be a real cash cropper but i didnt mate either have the gonads to go for it or the location, i been on this site since 2008 limonene and i no alot of the vets well, theres deffo a few real cash croppers about but of course they just ''hobby'' growers lmao wink wink lol
Yeah theres some yanks on Ig who are redefining the term cash cropper lol. Must be a beautiful sight to see a warehouse full of stickiness every day for your job.


Well-Known Member
Yeah theres some yanks on Ig who are redefining the term cash cropper lol. Must be a beautiful sight to see a warehouse full of stickiness every day for your job.
would be nice hay....

im retired nowdays but fuck that would be a sweet job, personally dont ever think we will see any legal ness in this country any time soon and also i dont really agree with all the medical shite, diamorphine helps alot of people medically should we make smack legal aswel? not saying weed dont help some but its still a drug and ive seen plenty fucked up from weed alone.