The UK Growers Thread!

my mate was heavy into training and he used to take some of my insulin. Would this be for gains ??


Insulin is a very strange hormone.

It does 2 jobs in the human body.

#1) It shuttles nutrients into the system extremely efficiently (Insulin is the most anabolic hormone on the planet).
#2) It stores body fat.

The key to the 2 jobs it does is the amount that is present.

A little insulin and your system will suck up as many nutrients as you can give it.

Too much Insulin and it starts to store fat.

So some body builders take a small shot of fast acting Insulin (Humalog) after a workout and then go eat, the insulin will then suck all those nutrients straight into the body more efficiently than without any.

And we're talking a very small amount of insulin is needed to do this.
Too much to a non diabetic and that's it, game over, you're dead.

Slin is the dark side of bodybuilding.
That's where all the big monsters with huge distended guts are coming from.
A mixture of massive amounts of HGH and lots of Insulin.

Insulin stores visceral fat (the fat round the vital organs, their natural protection) if used to excess, causing that huge pregnant look that has taken over BB'ing since the 90's.
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Insulin is a very strange hormone.

It does 2 jobs in the human body.

#1) It shuttles nutrients into the system extremely efficiently (Insulin is the most anabolic hormone on the planet).
#2) It stores body fat.

The key to the 2 jobs it does is the amount that is present.

A little insulin and your system will suck up as many nutrients as you can give it.

Too much Insulin and it starts to store fat.

So some body builders take a small shot of fast acting Insulin (Humalog) after a workout and then go eat, the insulin will then suck all those nutrients straight into the body more efficiently than without any.

And we're talking a very small amount of insulin is needed to do this.
Too much to a non diabetic and that's it, game over, you're dead.

Slin is the dark side of bodybuilding.
That's where all the big monsters with huge distended guts are coming from.
A mixture of massive amounts of HGH and lots of Insulin.

Insulin stores visceral fat (the fat round the vital organs, their natural protection) if used to excess, causing that huge pregnant look that has taken over BB'ing since the 90's.

Looking at them pictures it looks dangerous if anything. I'm not on humalog I'm on novorapid so it makes sense b cause on my two part regime that's the fast acting one.
What's the latest? What have I missed? Glad Summer is done as it's time to get back to work. Is everyone about still?

I've become increasingly interested in extractions recently and have been playing with BHO a lot. Got people chucking me half boxes of popcorn etc to be run, for a cut, but of course.

Just ✂️ Chemdawg x grandaddy purple. Smells banging, hard nugs and full of trichs.
Got Chicle on the go coz Julian (boss) gave me loads of seeds. Bubblegum x Underdawg OG. They are fast!

Pic below is of a popcorn bud run. I had to clean it up first of all the sticks. I'm wearing gloves next time. Was bone dry.


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Insulin is a very strange hormone.

It does 2 jobs in the human body.

#1) It shuttles nutrients into the system extremely efficiently (Insulin is the most anabolic hormone on the planet).
#2) It stores body fat.

The key to the 2 jobs it does is the amount that is present.

A little insulin and your system will suck up as many nutrients as you can give it.

Too much Insulin and it starts to store fat.

So some body builders take a small shot of fast acting Insulin (Humalog) after a workout and then go eat, the insulin will then suck all those nutrients straight into the body more efficiently than without any.

And we're talking a very small amount of insulin is needed to do this.
Too much to a non diabetic and that's it, game over, you're dead.

Slin is the dark side of bodybuilding.
That's where all the big monsters with huge distended guts are coming from.
A mixture of massive amounts of HGH and lots of Insulin.

Insulin stores visceral fat (the fat round the vital organs, their natural protection) if used to excess, causing that huge pregnant look that has taken over BB'ing since the 90's.
I knew a fellow who was using someone else's insulin everyday for about 3 month solid, needless to say he fucked now with one of them big ass bellys and he's skin looks all f ucked cause of all the excess weight
Looking at them pictures it looks dangerous if anything. I'm not on humalog I'm on novorapid so it makes sense b cause on my two part regime that's the fast acting one.

It goes away after you stop I think but yeah, bodybuilders of that size are usually far from healthy.

Ronnie Coleman is fucked these days.

12 surgeries in the last few years, dude can hardly walk.

He's got metal rods and shit in his back just to hold him together.
I knew a fellow who was using someone else's insulin everyday for about 3 month solid, needless to say he fucked now with one of them big ass bellys and he's skin looks all f ucked cause of all the excess weight

A lot of folk like that quite clearly have body dysmorphia issues.

Check this guy out, he goes by the name of 'Big Lenny' he's a complete idiot of a nobody, can find him on YouTube in the gym.

Absolutely terrible physique with a big fat fucking slin gut......


He's a fucking loon, the guy constantly twitches ffs, he's off his nut with some serious issues.
Yeah ur supposed to start ultra low n never pass a certain point thing it 4mg or .4mg
How long have you been eating xanax for slipp??
Its just i been on them 6 month on/off but if i take em everyday even 1 a day my tolerance goes right up.
ill eat maybe 3 for a few days and enjoy it but then have to leave off em a week to get a buzz back on or switch to valium but theres loads of killer fakes up here.:peace::peace:
A lot of folk like that quite clearly have body dysmorphia issues.

Check this guy out, he goes by the name of 'Big Lenny' he's a complete idiot of a nobody, can find him on YouTube in the gym.

Absolutely terrible physique with a big fat fucking slin gut......

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He's a fucking loon, the guy constantly twitches ffs, he's off his nut with some serious issues.
He looks like half of the daft cunts up this way,plastic roid boys,they must wait outside school gates to sell em to fukin 15 yr old kids with a complex think its biggest killer in n.w,heart attacks off roids,ive been to many a funeral were lads younger than me died in there sleep, if you go for a pint round here theres always a few of the pricks picking on young uns.
How long have you been eating xanax for slipp??
Its just i been on them 6 month on/off but if i take em everyday even 1 a day my tolerance goes right up.
ill eat maybe 3 for a few days and enjoy it but then have to leave off em a week to get a buzz back on or switch to valium but theres loads of killer fakes up here.:peace::peace:
Whenever I buy bulk then I take a break n start over atm about 10+ a day n maybe a few blues .
It's a cunt farming full time , especially with a Mrs in tow, there happy when your pushing wads in there hand every few month , but inbetween ,your a lazy idle twat ! Knew I should have stayed single :(