The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
An oz lasts me the best part of two months lol
I can't smoke during the day and I only have a joint maybe two after nine o'clock unless I'm canoeing and then fuck knows what I smoke


Well-Known Member
That's a slight exaggeration Z, but 3 a week, with the occasional friend round wasn't unheard of, one a week now if I'm smoking blunts


Well-Known Member
I smoke all day is y I got in to growing as I was spending well way to much a week on it 90 plus some weeks and no wasn't bulk no cunt dose that round here just 10s 20s and 50 deals proppa ripped of and when ya got shit stuff as well takes the piss. So now I'm sat here thinking give away to much now.


Well-Known Member
Nah I miss the days when ud sit around listening to tunes letting our arguments progress into tangents n shit. But father hood actually calms a man now they have a neutering instinct...most anyways