The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
"Perfect"? No chance, not when your working with genes that cant work out wether their a male or female. I stand by my statement ANYTHING that comes from a hermie is SHIT. If u have a hermie KILL the fucker and start again
no offence here rainz but anyone who kills a hermie is a fuckin idiot, ive read dozens of statements like that about hermies and i just dont get it, i can only put it down to lack of knowledge, hermies are easy and relatively cheap to fix( bout £30, and that should last you a cpl of years at least). itll take you around an hour to totally check your plant out and 5 mins to spray it with the chemicals. now for the sake of a plant thats already halfway into flower(this seems to be the most frequent time slot for hermies) why would you throw away all the time, effort and cash youve invested., ive identified at least 6 hermies and treated each one with a 100% success rate. dont get me wrong the 1st time it happened i freaked out, it was my first grow and i believed that it was fuckin trashed so i came into this site for the first time and read and read and read some more and realized a hermie is avery simple thing to cure, i'd rather have a hermie than sum diseases and even bugs. ive even taken hermies from mates and sorted them, any one got a hermie and i'll bloody well travel for it and grow it out myself.


Well-Known Member
"Perfect"? No chance, not when your working with genes that cant work out wether their a male or female. I stand by my statement ANYTHING that comes from a hermie is SHIT. If u have a hermie KILL the fucker and start again
most times when a plant turns hermie it is because of stress not genes - i have seen two clones from the same plant - in other words the exact same dna - one has turned hermie and the other has not are you telling me this is because of "genes"

maybe do some reading and research and understand things before having such strong opinions

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
"Perfect"? No chance, not when your working with genes that cant work out wether their a male or female. I stand by my statement ANYTHING that comes from a hermie is SHIT. If u have a hermie KILL the fucker and start again
rainz bro i like u and all but that is a bit of an outlandish statement mate. i simply pulled a few nana's that appeared in week 2-3 of my headband tester clone thingy and that shit fucked me up royally ;) didnt get one seed in the bud. i cloned the same plant and she's about 4 weeks in 12.12 with one single little tiny nana, i've removed it and there aint none thats come back. gonna be another load of killer smoke bro she's frosting up already :)

just my 2pence bro :)

edit - from what i've seen if its only a slight hermi problem at week 2-3 then it can be "grown out" by ageing the clones but this is only my theory that i'm still working on at the mo ;)


Well-Known Member
I recently left secondary school. Looking back, I had had a great time there, fingering slags smoking behind the bike shed at break, throwing wet toilet paper at the ceiling in the toilets, and after school I'd get stoned with some 3rd years.

I miss being a janitor.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna get some tangerine dream next weekend for my next grow, anybody have reasons not to? and what else do you recommend?


Well-Known Member
never grown TD myself but I have heard good things...

where you getting pips from?
I figured id just get them off attitude, they have that big promo on next weekend too, u get 10 free seeds, 6 fem, 4 reg when u spend 30 bucks so i reckon i can sell the freebies and end up earning some money and get TD for free. My mate brought some TD from barneys in the dam back last week n it really was a taste sensation :) he also said the guy in barneys was letting him have a sniff at the new stuff and he said the vanilla kush smelled like dirty pond water n just wasnt appealing at all.


Well-Known Member
I figured id just get them off attitude, they have that big promo on next weekend too, u get 10 free seeds, 6 fem, 4 reg when u spend 30 bucks so i reckon i can sell the freebies and end up earning some money and get TD for free. My mate brought some TD from barneys in the dam back last week n it really was a taste sensation :) he also said the guy in barneys was letting him have a sniff at the new stuff and he said the vanilla kush smelled like dirty pond water n just wasnt appealing at all.
also if you buy from conoisseur,riot seeds,dna or a few other on there then they give you a free pack on top as well as the freebies


Well-Known Member
also if you buy from conoisseur,riot seeds,dna or a few other on there then they give you a free pack on top as well as the freebies
I seen this and so i was all set on getting DNA Genetics Sleestack 6 fem then u get 6 fem Reserve privad confidential cheese and a lighter free but it says the confidential cheese is out of stock so im not too sure but it still comes up on the order. That wouls be awesome if that worked though, i would get 18 fem seeds and 4 reg for 60 bucks. I might send them an email to see if i can still get that deal.

edit: and i get the free skins and whatever they have on this birthday page, and the possible trip to the dam :)


Well-Known Member
I seen this and so i was all set on getting DNA Genetics Sleestack 6 fem then u get 6 fem Reserve privad confidential cheese and a lighter free but it says the confidential cheese is out of stock so im not too sure but it still comes up on the order. That wouls be awesome if that worked though, i would get 18 fem seeds and 4 reg for 60 bucks. I might send them an email to see if i can still get that deal.

edit: and i get the free skins and whatever they have on this birthday page, and the possible trip to the dam :)
they will probably re-stock for the promo so you may still be able to get the exact strains u wanted