The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
OK let's work out what we all have in common, us nuclear holocaust survivors. We'll start by establishing genetics etc. Which of you can roll your tongue?


Active Member
Not me. I can put my leg behind my head, and i can undercook beef burgers, short of that i'm essentially a wheetabix box.
Aha, I can put both feet behind my head but then I get stuck and need unhooking. The Weetabix box bit will be what I ponder on in the shower tonight. Weetabix box...


Active Member
haha, i was ust commenting to a friend the other day about how i want a propper badass cape lord of the rings style :D
Ah but this is thermal, and probably only unacclimatised cold-blooded reptiles like me still feel the need for a snuggly badass cape.

(Although it doesn't look thermal. It looks AWESOME. I look so awesome. And the Darth Vadar theme music was playing in my head today when I opened the door to the postie and guess what? He started humming it so I MUST look cool!)


Well-Known Member
how do all. aint been able get on last few days????
yah keva nd joey are paying to get sites ddosed i think,i know for a fact hes doing it with the site the lads made andmoved too after he ripped em off

so it stands to figure hes doing it here too,lol wat a fuckngmoron


Well-Known Member
goooooooood mornin uk :) bin up since 6, hammerd a Q already nt sleeping but new updates on the vid journal l8r :) soooooo hows all :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Morning! I've had a fairly restless night but i'm up and awake and ready for, um, a mundane day. It's half a bottle of wine for elevenses monday though!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, it is indeed tusday, doh. Well knowing work they won't have ordered in any fish so will opt for a risotto due to the cheapness of rice. It's at that point though where i say fuck a red pepper risotto and i suddenly have a carrier bag of ingredients from the co-op :D


Well-Known Member
a q sounds like a winners breakfast to me haha
morning ukers
ah but munchies in the morning is ne good :)

Morning, wake and bake time, peace
a man after my own :)

haha, it is indeed tusday, doh. Well knowing work they won't have ordered in any fish so will opt for a risotto due to the cheapness of rice. It's at that point though where i say fuck a red pepper risotto and i suddenly have a carrier bag of ingredients from the co-op :D
we all do it :) are you a red or green pepper? lets get cooking ( says ainsly ) :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Word on the street has it that i'm niether, but rather a cheesecake :)

I'm not a huge fan of peppers but always red and yellow, to hell with green peppers!

Have you ever watched can't smeg won't smeg? I love that episode :D


Well-Known Member
Its all about The Big Bang Theory, that shit tickles me in places never tickled before! Nice cheesey ciggy to start this fine monday/tuesday LOL!! :eyesmoke:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I'm having a real twat of a start to the week. No breakfast stuff in the house. Iron put loads of marks into my work clays so I lost it n threw it out the window. Cashpoints out of cash with the bank holiday, so I've had to walk half hour to the next one. I'm going to be at least an hour late for graft and rock up in half ironed togs.

My clones have all rotted and the tents full of hermie naners.

If Tuesday was a person is kick its bollocks off.

Morning all.