The watering hole

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Well-Known Member
Anyone know any good jokes?

Daughter: Mom, I’m pregnant!
Mom: I thought I told you when a guy touches your boobs, say don’t, and when he touches you vagina, say stop.
Daughter: But he kept touching both, so it came out,”don’t, stop, don’t, stop.

A pirate walks into the bar with a steering wheel in his pants. He asks for some rum. The bartender says, "Yes, but sir, do you realize you have a steering wheel in your pants?" The pirate says, "Arr! It's driving me nuts!"

Some lame ones I found in the net. Lol


Well-Known Member
Well, it must have.. I find that odd being I've yet to have a drink in 2 weeks. Can you say the same? It's all good though, I don't give anyone grief for their addictions. One being because I know how it is. Well, knew how it was. 8 years clean here. Proud of it to.
The alcohol must have really distorted what happpened.

Would you like the name of my vet?

Hes very gentle
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