The Weed Nerd~

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K sub I know you said enough on bho but check out this website it's co2 machines co2 is best as a solvent as sub critical liquid which is all explained here anyway down below it says about other solvents such as propane and iso butane/ butane which they say leaves no toxins wouldn't they know how these solvent react on botanicles because they are building such elaborate extractors

just questions cause I believe you when you say bho is bad but co2 honey oil is much cleaner and is easy but still dangerous because you don't raise th psi above 2,000 for subcritical extraction(co2 in liquid form) super critical is a dense fog


Well-Known Member
While I think CO2 extracts are much safer I will never promote the use of Chemically extracted resins I just don't think long term that its good for your respiratory health.
That and that HP machine cost like 20K.



New Member
for tincture, its a different story and ok to use. (i assume tincture is what you mean by veg glycerine?).


New Member
I was on here to recommend a Reggae and SlightlyStoopid/Sublime type show. either one show or split into two.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Sub doesn't always answer every question. I have asked him questions and he hasn't answered I then start hating? No. Because he most probably didn't answer my question(s) because they have already been answered by him before or someone else on the thread has already answered the question...

mate, relax ya batty an smoke some ome grown erb ya eard.


Well-Known Member
Mornin Sub! Ignore all the BS I hope you do not delete the show it has been awesome getting entertainment and advice from you. If you do get sick of all the haters at least try and keep up with a weekly show, I really enjoy seeing shots of your garden or hearing what you're up to periodically. I can't always stay on top of everything here at RIU and being able to catch you on youtube is a nice alternative. Just wanted to let you know that for every person that complains and gives ya grief there's 50 more of us in the background cheering ya on. I thought you might like this snapshot of a TGA shout-out I put up on a bunker in Iraq before I came home a couple months ago. I've been meaning to put it up in a thread and seems like with the frustrations you're feeling today would be a good day...hope it gets a grin, you are now being advertised in southern Iraq my brotha! Peace man keep it up.


ink the world

Well-Known Member
Sub, I have a question on male selection.

In your experiences are there certain terpine profiles or flavors that carry over their traits from Dad better than others?


Well-Known Member
Mornin Sub! Ignore all the BS I hope you do not delete the show it has been awesome getting entertainment and advice from you. If you do get sick of all the haters at least try and keep up with a weekly show, I really enjoy seeing shots of your garden or hearing what you're up to periodically. I can't always stay on top of everything here at RIU and being able to catch you on youtube is a nice alternative. Just wanted to let you know that for every person that complains and gives ya grief there's 50 more of us in the background cheering ya on. I thought you might like this snapshot of a TGA shout-out I put up on a bunker in Iraq before I came home a couple months ago. I've been meaning to put it up in a thread and seems like with the frustrations you're feeling today would be a good day...hope it gets a grin, you are now being advertised in southern Iraq my brotha! Peace man keep it up.

View attachment 1979491
Thats the coolest thing I have ever seen in a war time theater!



Well-Known Member
root has thrips? really? thanks for the heads up. i was just getting over RAs and bought a bag of roots because i am getting frustrated with coco.

at least i havent opened the bag yet.


Well-Known Member
root has thrips? really? thanks for the heads up. i was just getting over RAs and bought a bag of roots because i am getting frustrated with coco.

at least i havent opened the bag yet.
Really, just started using a bag yestetday! Oldschooltofu are you sure about the thrips, where did you here that info from? Thanks again....


Well-Known Member
weed nerd eps 21

i dont know why sub endorses roots, it always has bugs. first gnats, and now thirps...i know sub says you have to be able to deal with bugs to be a pro grower. but this is unreal.

i am really starting to think that since roots owns aqua serine grow store, it is to their advantage to have bugs in their soil to sell more treatments in their stores.

i am so over bugs in mediums.
i think the bugs are coming from your end, noone I deal with have bugs and most use Roots or Roots based soil. I am using it for the first time and love it.


Well-Known Member
I use Roots because it grows amazing cannabis when used as a base for Super Soil. Nothing else comes close.
A few gnats or thrips dosn't change that and pest are part of farming in soil.
I am in contact with dozens of growers on a daily basis and most of us who all use Roots have a small thrip problem thats easily controlled.
I still think its coming from the transportation of the products.



Well-Known Member
Hey sub, I feel like you have kick ass taste in music. Along the Tool line, you should check out the band Karnivool. They are huge in Australia You WILL love it.
Band: Karnivool
My fav album: Sound Awake


Well-Known Member
while we are on the bug subject, sub have you or your friends delt with root aphids?

i know you keep saying bugs are easy to deal with mites (mighty wash), gnats (BTI) and thrips (spinosad) but aphids have left me super parinoid. i know its learning experiences and everyone has to deal with them as farmers. i like roots products too. glad to hear its not a manufacturing issue, but transportaion issue. but i still think they need to get this contamination issue delt with.

i lost chernobyl, AO, Tanks strain, purple mr. nice, & permafrost all to RAs. i have come to peace with it, since there are lots more TGA to grow and have a nice seed supply now.

sorry for my rant above, i just have a real distaste in my mouth for bugs right now.


Active Member
Sub, the last couple shows were really, really great. Buds in Paradise, it felt like I was there.
I really like hearing about the history of the strains and why you selected what. Anytime you talk about that stuff it really grabs my attention.
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