The Weed Nerd~

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Just wanted to say that I love your Plushberry and cannot wait to start my Ace of Spades and Agent Orange.
What is "The Weed Nerd"? Is this for "Nerdy" weed topics? There's some things I'd like to hear your opinion on.
On youtube, search for Weed Nerd. It is Sub`s own little weed television show production where he plays tunes and answers questions, tells us some stories and shows us some grow rooms and other interesting shit. Also his school of dank is up on his channel, also worth checking out.
great show from cannabliss, keep the on the road stuff coming, cant wait to see some tga rooms

so is this where we can ask questions to be answered on the show?

so i totally agree with you about the BHO, but what about ISO made with grain alcohol? (i know you dont like alcohol much, but thought i would ask, since its a smokeable). is there alcohol/chemical residue present in ISO wax?

thanks in advance.

Lets say its a place to discuss things related to the show.
Yes even the best made bho wax has some trace levels of the bad stuff the cleanest I have seen is like 60PPM and thats using lab grade N-butane, anyone using Vector is smoking some nasty shit and that means I smoked lots of nasty stuff as we used case after case of Vector.

Aaaaah I've just been Inspired to get of my lazy ass and make a new batch of bubble. Thank you sir for that!

A "new" batch? Your first grow was a couple months ago and supposivly you scrapped it due to mites. You've never actually showed living plants, or a picture of anything ever. You just post a million times a day my friend.

Unless triches amass out of thin air, how did you have the capacity to make anything to make an original batch, let alone try a "new" batch now? Also, with nothing for experience how do you have the capacity to amass 1,100 posts in such a short time?
Buddy232 _ Im sure this is from every one here. please stfu.

"Hippe Crack" I want some. My take on BHO. why smoke chemicals...
The Weed Nerd is tight Sub! You have inspired me to listen to some tunes I haven't rocked in many years!
Your time spent making it is much appreciated and I think I probably speak for many others when I say the "on the road" type episodes sound super fun :) The one with Ganja Jon was classic and I look forward to more.
best show on the air!
Awesome. Watch the weed nerd every morning even days there isnt a new one. thanks sub. I encourage everyone to shoot on over to youtube and check it out. Check out the school of dank while youre there as well.
Love your show Sub. Are you coming to Hash Bash 4/7/12?
that would be awesome.

I don't do the east coast very often and based on the treatment we got at the Michigan Cup that pretty much ended any chances I am sorry to say.
Pisses me off to I always wanted to attend and when you guys got medical I figured it would happen but the cops there have a completely diff mind set than on the west coast.

I don't do the east coast very often and based on the treatment we got at the Michigan Cup that pretty much ended any chances I am sorry to say.
Pisses me off to I always wanted to attend and when you guys got medical I figured it would happen but the cops there have a completely diff mind set than on the west coast.


the AG, Bill Schuette is the asshat with the "power and agenda" and it goes against everything the voters agreed upon.
We will miss ya Sub, it would have been cool to see you in Michigan.
PS, we consider ourselves Midwest and not East Coast, too many wanna be gangsta's here already with out throwing in the east coast vs west coast BS ;-)

Looking for a nice vacation spot check out the 49770 area. Nice and green all year looooong.
hey whats up evreyone im new to rollitup. subcool brought me here from his weed nerd show,you guys should check it out on youtube if you havent seen it
Sub, just wanted to join the thread.

I love the shows, music, the stories, and of course all that awesome info. For me it's all about proof in the bud performance that speaks. You got it down bro, thanks.

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