The White Widow Grow Hydro Grow


Well-Known Member
Here is a little update. I just planted these in pots with hydroton to cover up the rockwool and fill in the voids. the temp rose a degree to 79F but the plants seem to be doing good and starting to take off. :eyesmoke::bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Subscribed! I can't wait to see how they turn out. Hopefully I can mimic your set up...they say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery! Haha good luck bro!


Well-Known Member
thank you guys. Bucket head i want to check out your journal but cant find the link. you should send me that. I just purchased a digital PH meter with calibration solutions for only $34 :mrgreen: I will finally be able to get a super accurate reading without having to match colors for results as im doing right now. I just hope it gets here this week (will make my life much easier). here is a link to the page|66:2|65:12|39:1|240:1318|301:0|293:1|294:50


Well-Known Member
Dam growing is getting a little too addicting :lol: wish i could do this for a living like as a care giver or for a pharmacy.


Active Member
hey man thanks alot if you could help me out like fill me in on whats good that would be great bc im not so good at all this stuff. im startin my own little plant right now its about 1 1/2 weeks old and lookin good im not doin anything fancy to it like all the huck ups you have just normal soil and a seed its my firt time growing and i just wanna see what happens i reed up on everything about them and it seems to be alot of work so hats off to you man hope everything goes great :bigjoint:


Active Member
hey man thanks alot if you could help me out like fill me in on whats good that would be great bc im not so good at all this stuff. im startin my own little plant right now its about 1 1/2 weeks old and lookin good im not doin anything fancy to it like all the huck ups you have just normal soil and a seed its my firt time growing and i just wanna see what happens i reed up on everything about them and it seems to be alot of work so hats off to you man hope everything goes great :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey man thanks alot if you could help me out like fill me in on whats good that would be great bc im not so good at all this stuff. im startin my own little plant right now its about 1 1/2 weeks old and lookin good im not doin anything fancy to it like all the huck ups you have just normal soil and a seed its my firt time growing and i just wanna see what happens i reed up on everything about them and it seems to be alot of work so hats off to you man hope everything goes great :bigjoint:
I would be more than happy to help you with your grow so if you have any questions ask away. Get ready to be super addicted to growing. about 2 years ago i stumbled on a youtube video and since i was board i had to try it and got super addicted. If you ever want to move to hydro say for your second grow there are some great designs out there that are super easy to build and super cheap if you live next to a lows or home depot.


Active Member
Hey man, looking good, I like your drip to waste system, and those plugs you use in your rock wool to keep them moist. One question and a few suggestions, first the question is that one of California Nurseries Grow Tents? I stumbled on them looking for a more affordable tent, and for the price they look great if they're non-toxic, yours looks like one from the reflective interior, if I'm wrong my bad and the search continues. Hey if you have a magnetic ballast get a CMH bulb, I use the Philips MasterColor RetroWhite, and CMH is better than MH or HPS in either stages of growth, the bulbs are cheaper, I vouch for it, if you want to read more check out the CMH thread on ICMAG. I started on hydro, had a lot of the problems you've been having, so I switched to containers (Smart Pots 3 Gals) with a soiless mix (Sunshine Mix #4) w/ Higromite (silicia stone, makes the stems harder, more heat/stress resistant). I stand behind all these products, my plants are looking good so far. I'm going to change my username on here to CannabisLeo, so I'll be back on that name to see if you reply Moto, and good luck with your continued success, and the next time your friend doesn't tend to your plants properly put some laxative in his alcohol. :)


Active Member
Ok back, sorry for my ignorance, I noticed on the grow tent thread I found your journal on that it's a California Nurseries tent, that's awesome, ok I found you an independent grower that vouches for it, I know what tent I'm getting, thank you Moto. I'll be subscribing to this thread to see how it goes. Oh one thing I touched on above I didn't elaborate on, I mainly switched to a soiless mix in the smart pots because I was unable to fork out the dough to get the proper pH/tds/ec equipment at the present time, I feel like hydro is the way to go but not at this stage in my experience, checking pH in the mix I'm using is so much easier than those strips you were talking about, I hardly ever pH test now, it seems everytime I do it it's at that stable 7ish range. You know Moto since you're doing Hydro you could replace all your Hydroton with Higromite, and you'd up your yeild plus I don't think you'd even need the rock wool in Higromite since it's heavier and should keep the plant standing by the roots growing around the rocks unlike Hydroton that would shift around and float (making Higromite excellent for Flood and Drain but I digress). Thank you, thank you again for ending my search for a grow tent of quality in my price range I can have some faith in.


Active Member
ok thanks there always talkin abotu suplements and other things like 250-350 and 5.8 6 i have no idea about anything like that i just want to no if that stuff is needed to get good bud or if i could do with out it?


Well-Known Member
Ok back, sorry for my ignorance, I noticed on the grow tent thread I found your journal on that it's a California Nurseries tent, that's awesome, ok I found you an independent grower that vouches for it, I know what tent I'm getting, thank you Moto. I'll be subscribing to this thread to see how it goes. Oh one thing I touched on above I didn't elaborate on, I mainly switched to a soiless mix in the smart pots because I was unable to fork out the dough to get the proper pH/tds/ec equipment at the present time, I feel like hydro is the way to go but not at this stage in my experience, checking pH in the mix I'm using is so much easier than those strips you were talking about, I hardly ever pH test now, it seems everytime I do it it's at that stable 7ish range. You know Moto since you're doing Hydro you could replace all your Hydroton with Higromite, and you'd up your yeild plus I don't think you'd even need the rock wool in Higromite since it's heavier and should keep the plant standing by the roots growing around the rocks unlike Hydroton that would shift around and float (making Higromite excellent for Flood and Drain but I digress). Thank you, thank you again for ending my search for a grow tent of quality in my price range I can have some faith in.
Some great Information Ill have to try some of that Higromite in my next grow that stuff dose sound awesome same with those bulbs. I would get the bulbs right now but im a little low on cash with this grow. Thanx for the info. Ya the Tent i Got off ebay for only like $120 totally worth the buy. Im not sure if Ill ever know if it gives off fumes just because i always keep the front door unzipped to get as much air flow as possible. I can totally say though that this tent dose not look cheap and is very well built. (highly recommend getting it) when you get your tent you'll have to let me know and post some pics. GROW ON!!!! bongsmilie:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Here is another update. I couldnt be more happy with the way these plants are turnning out. the temperature rose again so i backed off the lights about 2 inches and that kept the temp about 81F if it gets much hotter im going to get a second fan. I think with the warmer weather the room is slowley getting a bit warmer :-( In the pictures the plant with the green label is my free seeds and they are growing to be monsters (they look indica dominant on their leaves it would be nice to know the strain). my yellow labels are the Red Hair Skunk (has a strong sativa characteristic) in the photo and Blue labels are the White Widow (the smallest plants)



Active Member
the 250-350 is referring to the ppm, or the parts per million in a given nutrient solution and the 5.8-6 is the ph of the solution. controlling these two concentrations is VITAL to a good hydro grow but not knowing them exactly isn't as important when growing in soil. you can however grow buds without monitoring these factors but don't expect anything too special. but yes you can go without them.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply, I understand the cash issue, growing is rather expensive until you make some crop harvests, but definitely when you get the opportunity check those technologies out. May I also add that the smart pots with higromite as a medium are perfect for flood and drain since they aerate by their porous nature, as well as air prune the roots, and with higromites water retention and porosity, it seems like a winning combination I'd love to use one day. As for the never knowing if your tent was toxic, well if you don't have a vent fan pulling air through and even then if you did from the stories I read of the cheap spray on pvc from the same chinese factory that mass manufactures all these tents which are the same design basically franchasied and rebranded, then if you had it your plants would be dead, really from what I read its mainly an issue with the white pvc ones in production and was a localized issue, the Homebox people had them take it off the market however individuals were buying up the left over toxic ones, rebranding them and reselling them at full price knowing this issue existed. From what I've seen these tents look like a newer rebranded Homebox, which is great. I'm glad to hear that the build is solid, I'll definitely up date when I have mine set up and my next crop ready to show.