TheHazeyMan's Chem 91 SK VA Closet Grow (Cali Connection)

What's up everyone? I just popped a single Chem 91 from a pack of 6 from Cali Connection. My big room with my HPS is under construction so I am forced to run in the closet with CFLs and LED (I have a 135W array). Anyways just wanted to get one grow in of the chem to see if she is going to make it in the big room, She's up against some heavy hitters as I have a huge collection of top shelf genetics, only the best.

Anyway I soaked the seed in room temp distilled water for 24 hours until it had sunk. From there, I carefully moved it to a wet paper towel in a container. 24 hours later I had a nice tap root about 1/3" long. I used some Jiffy seed starting soil in a small 32 oz. container or so with 30% perilite and some lime. She will finish in a 4-5 gallon pot with FFOF. I prepared the soil and watered it lightly with some of Advanced Nutrients Piranha as well (2mL/L). I made a hole to my first knuckle and gently translated the seed into the pot. Then moved it to a small 6" greenhouse with heat mat and humidity dome until it breaks the surface where it will receive a 34/7 veg cycle of about 3 weeks.

Stoked to get such a legend started, please chime in with help as much as possible, it would be greatly appreciated. I will post pictures tomorrow and see this journal through to the end.

Thanks everyone hope I can find a good pheno even in the less than ideal environment she will be growing i! Thanks guys!!
So she still has not popped out of the soil yet, but I don't want to mess with it too much, does anyone have any tips / tricks regarding growing this strain, she is definitely taking her time to pop her head out of the soil.

I think I have heard that the Chem 91 sk va is a slow vegger, but not sure how slow. How about how long before I flip to 12/12? I won the entire line up from Advanced Nutrients so that is probably what I will be running for nutes.....

The area is probably 3'x3' with this one plant, do you think a single 240w (theoretical) LED array would be enough for the Chem?

This is the light I was looking at purchasing since I cant go HPS in my closet because of the heat...®-TT-GL14-Fertilizers-Germinating/dp/B008MU049W/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1392562329&sr=8-4&keywords=taotronics+led

Let me know what you guys think whenever you get a chance, thanks very much, greatly appreciated!