Well-Known Member
Well, I topped the Liberty Haze today...Desert Diesel is a little slower, so she'll get topped probably in 2 days. The Lost Coast OG is still coming along just fine, and the 1024 is also doing well. I think I can only veg them until the end of the month, so I am thinking of adding CO2 early in order to get as much growth as I can in the remaining time. Anyone have any thoughts?

Figure 1. The current status of the garden. Temperatures range from 76-80 F (Johnson A419 Temp. Controller), average RH is ~20%, with 24/0 lighting under the BD240U. The strains depicted above are listed going clockwise, and starting in the first quadrant: 1024, L.C. OG, Desert Diesel, Liberty Haze. The 1024 and Liberty Haze have been topped at the first node. (lol, just having fun)

Figure 1. The current status of the garden. Temperatures range from 76-80 F (Johnson A419 Temp. Controller), average RH is ~20%, with 24/0 lighting under the BD240U. The strains depicted above are listed going clockwise, and starting in the first quadrant: 1024, L.C. OG, Desert Diesel, Liberty Haze. The 1024 and Liberty Haze have been topped at the first node. (lol, just having fun)