There's some major cunts and assholes on here

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I am indeed a cunt, and frequently an asshole.

I advise you to get over it. I don't see me stopping because your vagina happened to fill with sand.

Good day, sir.


Well-Known Member
I have been sober for 2 days now, I wanted to see how long I could hold off the opiate cravings without weed and I made it to just under 48 hours before the withdrawls kicked in.

I started barfing a few hours ago so I think I'm going to smoke some oil now.


Well-Known Member
Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a mans soul and faith
And I was round when jesus christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain

Thats Mr Asshole to my friends and family, the rest can go piss up a rope.

But what's puzzling you
Is the nature of my game

Oscar Zeta Acosta

Active Member
The world of cuntishness is diverse. In fact I think I've transcended the former title of thundercunt and become a gunt... I wonder where I'll go from here?


Well-Known Member
Major Cunts was my platoon leader in Nam, he had real assholes under him but he was always careful not to get in any shit


Well-Known Member
I have been sober for 2 days now, I wanted to see how long I could hold off the opiate cravings without weed and I made it to just under 48 hours before the withdrawls kicked in.

I started barfing a few hours ago so I think I'm going to smoke some oil now.
That is a really good idea.