There's this certain FISA memo......

A.K.A. Overgrowem

Well-Known Member
This was a poorly thought out and executed Hail Mary by the Republicans; nothing new just more smoke. Trump is dead man walking[/QUOTE said:
Dow drops 600+ I was trying to put a name on Trumps position. You hit the nail on the head. Some peeps woke up today.


Well-Known Member
that would be fucking awesome. i hope he has a miserable life after he leaves the whitehouse. i hope he watches all of his children die or go to prison and i hope he meets his new life partner in prison, bubba, from alabama. he loves alabama. treasonous fucking dick !!!!


Well-Known Member
It's gonna be a great year for Comey's lawyer. Probably buy a boat or something. Boat money coming his way. You know what boat money is Morty? :bigjoint:
shut the fuck up already. you have been crowing about the memo for days. you said the russia investigation was a nothingburger. you said it would be over by now.

you are never right you retard.


Well-Known Member
shut the fuck up already. you have been crowing about the memo for days. you said the russia investigation was a nothingburger. you said it would be over by now.

you are never right you retard.
I object to your flippant use of that word. Reported for politically incorrect language.


Well-Known Member
Mueller will find what he finds; everything else is smoke and mirrors. The best thing Congress could do is put a pre-emptive "can't fire, can't touch" protection order on Mueller so he can't be terminated or interfered with and then let him do his job. He'll figure it out.


Well-Known Member
Now there are reports that Nunes admits he didn't even read the FISA articles in the memo before he released it. So, in other words, he cherry picked and wrote a memo that referenced material he didn't even read so he had no way to write a report in the first place as he has absolutely NO CLUE what he was in fact writing about.

Yep. Typical GOP operation, folks. What's more, he can now claim that all of his misrepresentations and outright falsehoods in the memo were honest mistakes.

Of course, anybody with even half a brain sees it for exactly what it is: a very lame attempt to discredit the investigation that is slowly but surely closing in around them.

Custer had a plan too. It didn't work out too well.

greg nr

Well-Known Member
Now there are reports that Nunes admits he didn't even read the FISA articles in the memo before he released it. So, in other words, he cherry picked and wrote a memo that referenced material he didn't even read so he had no way to write a report in the first place as he has absolutely NO CLUE what he was in fact writing about.

Yep. Typical GOP operation, folks. What's more, he can now claim that all of his misrepresentations and outright falsehoods in the memo were honest mistakes.

Of course, anybody with even half a brain sees it for exactly what it is: a very lame attempt to discredit the investigation that is slowly but surely closing in around them.

Custer had a plan too. It didn't work out too well.
Anyone with half a brain can see that the white house helped draft the memo. That in itself is obstruction. For the targets of investigations to be able to see and attempt to corrupt the evidence against them should scare even republicans.


Well-Known Member
Now there are reports that Nunes admits he didn't even read the FISA articles in the memo before he released it. So, in other words, he cherry picked and wrote a memo that referenced material he didn't even read so he had no way to write a report in the first place as he has absolutely NO CLUE what he was in fact writing about.

Yep. Typical GOP operation, folks. What's more, he can now claim that all of his misrepresentations and outright falsehoods in the memo were honest mistakes.

Of course, anybody with even half a brain sees it for exactly what it is: a very lame attempt to discredit the investigation that is slowly but surely closing in around them.

Custer had a plan too. It didn't work out too well.
Custer committed siouxicide.

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
Now there are reports that Nunes admits he didn't even read the FISA articles in the memo before he released it. So, in other words, he cherry picked and wrote a memo that referenced material he didn't even read so he had no way to write a report in the first place as he has absolutely NO CLUE what he was in fact writing about.

Yep. Typical GOP operation, folks. What's more, he can now claim that all of his misrepresentations and outright falsehoods in the memo were honest mistakes.

Of course, anybody with even half a brain sees it for exactly what it is: a very lame attempt to discredit the investigation that is slowly but surely closing in around them.

Custer had a plan too. It didn't work out too well.
you finally said something i agree with


Active Member
Ahhhhhh, the smell of leftist communist desperation in the morning. How invigorating!

Hannity really had his knickers in a twist about this yesterday. I can't wait for it to come out! He was really excited about it too. Just like he was about the contents of Seth Rich's laptop and the findings of the Trump Blue Ribbon Commission on Voter Fraud.

I can't wait for any of his bombshells to drop!


Well-Known Member
Time will tell. The FISA warrants will need to be released for examination. I'd like to see the IG report and Muellers report put out ASAP so house cleaning can begin.
Ahhhhhh, the smell of leftist communist desperation in the morning. How invigorating!
i guess the memo didn't quite work out the way you fat unfuckable racists had hoped for, eh?

gee who coulda seen that coming