Thermal Images


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple images I took with my FLIR One camera for the Iphone.
2015-11-10 20.58.25.jpg This is Space Candy under these lights2015-11-05 12.25.24.jpg as well as a few more.

They live in my garage in these cabinets.2015-11-16 18.56.08.jpg Dark areas are colder. It's about 54 in the garage and in the low 70s in the cabinets.
Here's my cat, she just came in from outside.2015-11-16 18.57.11.jpg She said it's a bit chilly.


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking while driving home the other night if over house FLIR could differentiate a cob grow like they can a hps grow... Hummmmmm... The cabinet mutes it well via the phone cam...