These girls got kicked out of the indoors 2 week ago . What will I use this time to extend the dark


Well-Known Member
5DB10712-52FE-4CB6-9D2A-E4C05B84420B.jpeg 5DB10712-52FE-4CB6-9D2A-E4C05B84420B.jpeg 1E5108C7-9E54-4A9A-B81D-8B9B6630ADDD.jpeg BCCA762E-62FD-4EC8-B069-D451A77285F2.jpeg had to make room and moved out some girls a little late . I know I will run out of darkness and they will reveg in maybe 3-5 weeks . So I will have to put some covers on daily . I was thinking boxes. For 2 hours . Any ideas .

Darkheart clones . Sfv , strawberry cheesecake, venom og,

Nutrients are only used at 1/2 and every other water .
5 gallon geopots
Ocean forest with 25%perilite

Heavy 16 veg
Cal mag
Roots excell
Liquid karma ( humic )
Dyna protekt
House and garden folier
Shooting powder
Ph is 6.0 before and 6.1 after


Well-Known Member
I've used trash cans like you have in your pic. If it's for a full 12 hours, cut a 4 inch hole in the bottom and put in a 110cfm booster fan to keep mold at bay.