They Told Me It Was ATF.


i swear... pot heads are the only ones that will tell you someting that smells like burning rubber is "goodness"



Well-Known Member
it tastes like jelly filled sugar cookies, or something. the smell completely changes once it dries.


Well-Known Member
it tastes like jelly filled sugar cookies, or something. the smell completely changes once it dries.
sugar cookies? damn, now i wanna taste. actually i wanna taste sagamartha's mt and all of it's alleged chocolately glory.


Well-Known Member
and be added to the list? ... too risky... falsly befriend FDD... get him to give you bud... than smoke it... than repeat :)
I joke I joke!!!


Well-Known Member
... never notice... how insightful... O.K. ... lets give it a try... he dosnt have any dogs right? just cats... that will never snitch... if we bring thehalf a zip of the nip... catnip


Well-Known Member
of course he'll never notice. we just need to put on some red cone hats and we'll blend right in.


Well-Known Member
fine. take one of the branches that broke off during the storm, tie it to your arms and pose as one of his runt trees.