Third Grow, First this successful

Just wanted to say that i love this website, lots of good reading. im new to this whole :leaf:420:leaf: thing and wow ive missed out on a lot! lol... anyways im growing some personal stash stuff. This is my 3rd try with some bagseed. first time i used dirt from outback "90% clay 10% dust" and nothing came from it obliviously. second time i read some more and bought some mg dirt and dropped the seeds in a shot glass for 24 hours, threw them in some dirt. was not growing so added a small portable heater and ended up killing them with too much heat. so learning once again i bought a thermometer. so on my third turn i also scaled down the operation. i started the first 2 tried with 15 - 20 seeds. this time i only used 10. i put 10 in a shot glass for 24 hours, then in a damp wash cloth for 48 hours. only 6 sprouted, so 6 made it to the red party cups. doing great. i started about 2 weeks ago. i have them 24/0 water every other day in mg. temp between 82/72 humd 38/15. i have a fan blowing on them 24 hours. i have 3 of the walmart 24" fluorescent grow bulbs. i believe they are 17 watts in 75 out. i have 2 on each side of my grow box and 1 on top. today i transplanted them from the party cups to terracotta pots. i did this because when they were first planted they took off and kinda slowed. i looked everywhere for what may be happing and thinking the roots may need some space and when i transplanted, i was right! the roots were all the way at the bottom, bunched up. any advice or criticism is welcome!



Active Member
them grow bulbs will work for the veg stage but they wont bud under them.( hince the name GROW BULB) after you get them where you wanna start the flowering stage you need to get some lights that are less lumens. under 3000.. your grow bulbs are probably 5000 or more
cool cool sounds good. ill remember that. also i have a separate place that im going to do the flowering at., a little taller. also ill flower them all then get rid of the males then.
IMAG0006.jpgIMAG0007.jpg here are my 6. they are 17 days from seed. i am thinking of cutting out the weaker 2 allready. should i or wait and see if they catch up?? thanks!


Well-Known Member
the lighting spectrum doesn't matter as much as how many hours of light the plant receives.

a plant will bud with a metal halide bulb on 12/12.


Active Member
them grow bulbs will work for the veg stage but they wont bud under them.( hince the name GROW BULB) after you get them where you wanna start the flowering stage you need to get some lights that are less lumens. under 3000.. your grow bulbs are probably 5000 or more
Less lumans? Ugh no.... Youre thinking of the kelvin rating