this could be...


Well-Known Member
this could be a dumb question but a frind of mine had a male plant, he got what he could out of it. so he gave me half of the seeds and i was wondering if the seeds would be all male or is there a % that i could be female too?


Well-Known Member
i dont know if i understand. he took all the leafs and main stem and the pods but shook out the seeds and we split them up to clarfy


Well-Known Member
then it was a hemi cuz there was no bud to be found. it had the pollen sacks cuz if you shook it all the pollen would come off and then we saw it had little pods below that once dryed they pop open and there is seeds


Well-Known Member
If the plant was a hermie then yes the seeds will produce hermie plants.. But if his plant was a female that got pollinated by a male plant growing near by then he had a female plant that got pregnant! Seeds from those would produce either male or female..