This is Bull


Active Member
I remember looking at the amounts we could possess if we held a card and it was something like a pound and a half. bwahahaha. That's a year and a half of munchies for me. I guess if I lived in the boonies and had a grower who gave me a year or so of meds all at once, that the law would cramp me a bit.

We'ed (new reference for "we would") be in trouble.

We'ed have to smoke more and store more. We'ed have to go gorilla.

Carpe Weediem


Well-Known Member
yea this is bull shit. there are quite a few situations in the law that are being left up to the courts. which is a really shitty way to write a law.
what we need is dispensaries, sure i love growing my own, but without dispensaries there is still a black market.

or better yet, it just needs to be legalized
I agree no more restrictions! As it is the amount we are allowed is not enough for me as I actually make most of my food & tincture from my plants. Also when you convert your weed to other forms of medicine they actually count the weight of that form! My little vile of super strength tincture, which I use everyday for my arthritis is actually considered the same amount as 1/2 lb!

And a pre-background screen, wtf!! What the hell does that have to do with a prescribed medicine?? Any more restrictions & I might just have to move back to Cali!!

The law needs to be changed for the better of the patients not for any other reason.