This is one funky plant... Three full branches from main node... WTF?


Active Member
From the main stalk of the plant, there are branches. Where each branch comes out of the main stalk, there are THREE branches stemming out. It is a bit difficult to illustrate or explain. If I get enough subs to this, I will upload some video content.

Here's a drawing I did in paint. It's garbage, but it kinda shows what I'm talking about.

I will post a real pic of it later, please sub to this.

Green Revolution

Active Member
You are describing trilateral branching also known as Whorled Phylotaxy. It is common amongst South American Sativa strains. What strain are you growing?



Active Member
Bag seed, but I don't think that's it, because they split on each branch. They don't grow in a triangle shape. Each branch is a group of three. Imagine a tree. Look at the trunk. As the trunk goes up, there are branches. The tree forks up, splits, etc. Now imagine that the tree has 3 full size branches at each node. Are you sure this is a Whorled Phylotaxy? Is this going to be a herme? Will I have a massive yield? Will my yield suck balls? Thanks so much for the help!


Active Member
I don't know, pmpknhd79. I have a grow journal that I've started on it. However, I had no idea I was dealing with a unique strain. It's just bag seed to me. :S


Well-Known Member
thats cool. i think 3's are cool in a plant and when u consider the fibonacci series. i think ur plant could be massive. but that whorled phylotaxy looks really crazy too. green revolution please share more on yield of these types of plants and whether the trait continues into clones.


Active Member
I will. Do you know how to create a journal? I have video journals posted as "posts", but I am not sure how to start a true blue grow journal...

Green Revolution

Active Member
Strange, so when looking straight down at the plant, does it still resemble the standard + shape? On a typical plant each node will usually have a 2 fan leaves with a couple branching off shoots above them. Are you getting all fan leaves? One fan leaf with an off shoot on top AND bottom? Lets see some pics of this beast! If you are getting nothing but fan leaves your yield might suffer, or you might get a baseball bat sized main cola, who knows? Are the leaves exhibiting Sativa or Indica tendencies? I myself have been having a few crazy mutations lately:

I love the freaks! Unstable breeding can turn up some real interesting results sometimes.


Active Member
I'm not gonna lie, bro. Your shit looks awfully similar to mine. The leafs are massive. They literally form a canopy over the bucket I have them in. I am actually considering to put a small CFL under the canopy, but I'm not sure if this would harm the growth.


Active Member
Oh, yea, and the size of my leafs all look like the one you showed. They're massive. I am highly reluctant to prune back. Is it possible to clone using those massive leaves?

Green Revolution

Active Member
Pruning green healthy leaves is rarely a good thing. You are stressing the plant by reducing its ability to photosynthesize and thereby will slow growth. Cloning individual leaves is also going to leave you very disappointed. You need to take a cut with multiple nodes, preferably from the bottom of the plant where the hormonal auxins (grow juice) are concentrated the greatest. Placing a CFL under the canopy make a negligible improvement but I would need to see the size and layout of your grow to make a more informed statement regarding side lighting. My guess is you don't need it. Remember, the leaves at the bottom of the plant that seem like they aren't getting enough light will naturally yellow and fall if they aren't providing photosynthesis, just because they look useless doesn't necessarily mean they are.


Well-Known Member
this happened to my ww when i fimmed. i know its not genetic cuz i cloned her and didnt fim this time and its not doing it.

OP-horrible drawing LOL


Well-Known Member
get an image of this soon man, i should only speak for myself, but I'm pretty sure everyone viewing this post is eager to see.


Well-Known Member
it stands for fuck i missed, google fim cannabis and youll get a shit ton of info.

heres what it did to my ww last time.

