This is the moment for Canadian stoners to make our final stand against Harper


Well-Known Member
So anybody following the news will no doubt be aware that about 1 week ago there was a landmark court decision that declared Canada's anti-marijuana laws and policies to be in violation of our constitutional rights and freedoms. The judge gave the federal government an ultimatum, successfully amend the laws to comply with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, or else the practice of smoking and/or growing marijuana will be legalized.

The government(Stephen Harper) has already attempted to have the court decision appealed, but they were struck down, but knowing this scumbag, he will probably try something desperate to screw us all over before the end. I don't know what is really going on inside Harper's mind, but it is clear to me that he has a personal agenda against marijuana use, and he is not above abusing the government system to achieve the ends he desires. And I'm sure as hell that after 6 years of trying to further criminalize marijuana use, he would be humiliated if it were to be legalized under his watch and very possibly occuring in the last days of his reign.

I don't know exactly what needs to be done, but I feel that this is the moment to make our final stand, we need to be more vocal than ever before, it's now or never, we must demand that the government stand down, nobody wants to loosen marijuana laws as it may hurt their careers, but in this case, inactivity is all that is required to clear this issue once and for all, stand down and just let it be.


Well-Known Member
An immediate legalization of marijuana in Canada would not only be good for Canadians but Americans as well. It will create even greater pressure in the U.S. at the Federal level for legalization. Even if the U.S. Feds didn't legalize it, it would make at least one U.S. state buck the Feds and pass full legalization, then the rest of the states would fall in line. Ultimately making U.S. Federal laws against marijuana impossible to enforce. I believe its going to eventually come down to that, a showdown of states rights against the totalitarianism of the U.S. Federal tyrants. Canada and the U.S. won't be able to keep it illegal for the rest of this decade.


As the French have shown, the guillotine works great in these situations.

IE, situations in which government officials stand against the popular vote.

Don't worry, the democratisation of knowledge is already commencing at an astounding rate, soon even the dumbest of your neighbors will strike down those who are backed by corporate interests.