This root rot??

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Hey all so just a heads up I DONT GROW DWC. Just wanted to make that clear before going in... Cause I dont have a chiller on this little temp setup in my veg tent and Ive been doing my best to keep temps down below 70 without the use of a chiller since I wont be doing this long, using auashield at the moment... (Next week is when my flood tables are going up) I just wanted to check to see if anyone sees a BAD rot problem that would prevent me from transplanting to smart pots and flooding without a hitch... thanks for looking~S0uP


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look like it. Use enzymes. Fresh coconut water or bottled (less concentrate). Is great for enzymes and has more enzymes tha canazyme or rapid start and won't foam up like molasses. So ok for hydro. Enzymes break down dead or unhealthy roots and promotes the growth of healthy roots fast.

Stay frosty

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
do you use hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in your res. ?
I dont cause it would offset the aquashield which Ive had better results with...I have been pulling the net pots out occasionally and giving them a spray of 3% letting it fizzle for a bit then rinse that all off with water, resetting them in the res with a fresh dose of aquashield. Shit at this point if I was gonna run spanish water I would probably just run bleach...But you bring up a good point and I should have mentioned it in my earlier post.

Doesn't look like it. Use enzymes. Fresh coconut water or bottled (less concentrate). Is great for enzymes and has more enzymes tha canazyme or rapid start and won't foam up like molasses. So ok for hydro. Enzymes break down dead or unhealthy roots and promotes the growth of healthy roots fast.

Stay frosty
Only Zyme product I have on my shelf at the moment is HygroZyme (which i have from years ago) and as of late Ive heard nothing but BAD BAD shit about I think it foams up like a mother (Atleast in recirc which is what I normally run) I should go out and get some pond zyme with barley but like I said this is temporary, whole setup put me back like 9 bucks with what I already had on hand. BUT coconut water is doable. Any rec on application rate or product list? I appreciate the info man!.....


Well-Known Member
Coconut powder works well too. Cheap on amazon.

Diatistic malted barley flour / powder works great too. Ive yet to use it. Recently learned about it. So I don't know if it foams up. I'm grabbing some next pay day.

Stay frosty