This Should Concern Everyone....2016

Then you have all the shots they get for the first 10-12 years of their lives. Flu, colds, ear infections, cuts, burns, broken bones.. yeah I'd rather pay for birth control.
Good healthcare for society I think is paramount. If we can effectively prevent and cure peoples sickness, then the quicker they can be a productive member of society. I remember going into LAUSC medical hospital, and OMG their were 150-200 people waiting in the emergency room. I can't imagine the cost all these visits costs. I realize it is LA and most emergency rooms aren't that crazy busy, but the costs associated with emergency room visits are probably astronomical. So is it more cost effective as tax payers to just let this be the source of healthcare for the uninsured or is having us all pitch in going to lower our contribution to healthcare and increase our productivity as a society?

Good healthcare for society I think is paramount. If we can effectively prevent and cure peoples sickness, then the quicker they can be a productive member of society. I remember going into LAUSC medical hospital, and OMG their were 150-200 people waiting in the emergency room. I can't imagine the cost all these visits costs. I realize it is LA and most emergency rooms aren't that crazy busy, but the costs associated with emergency room visits are probably astronomical. So is it more cost effective as tax payers to just let this be the source of healthcare for the uninsured or is having us all pitch in going to lower our contribution to healthcare and increase our productivity as a society?

Universal Healthcare costs 5x less than the current American system.

And I'm gonna keep saying it too.
Universal Healthcare costs 5x less than the current American system.

And I'm gonna keep saying it too.

if the US congress institutes a universal medical system, a socialized medical system, or government financed insurance program, i guarantee you it will cost a goddamned shitload.

the congress and the IRS tried to run a WHOREHOUSE and failed to keep the doors open

September 1990: IRS seizes Mustang Ranch and fails in an attempt to run the brothel to pay Conforte’s back taxes. The government padlocks it, announces sale.

the US govt cant even sell pussy for a profit
Bullshit you read all of it, it's like 1,000,001 pages long.

Your feigned arrogance is all the more hilarious because you act as if everyone should have read it, when you clearly didn't.

How would you know what I have or haven't read jack ass. When you work in health care you get this info very easy and it gets explained to you through meetings. So when you have several meetings with people who are trained in how the "Obamacare" system will work then you will have a little bit more insight than people who only watch fox news or listen to other idiots about things like this. So before you open your mouth about things, maybe you should do some real research on that topic. Yea, it has a ton of pages, but you can get a copy that takes out all the extra b.s. wording thats only in it as filler. Get the slimmed down version, which is still alot of reading, but get that copy and read it.

Hell, you probably wouldn't be able to understand it anyway and just keep making assumptions.
Spring 1994 - Republicans other than Newt Gingrich begin to see a tantalizing prospect of winning control of Congress by opposing the Clinton health plan as a quintessential example of Big Government Democratic liberalism run wild. An article in the right-wing American Spectator Suggests Dole's presidential prospects hinge on his ability to block any govemment-run health care system. Dole's top aide, Sheila Burke, quickly finds herself the target of abuse from ultraconservatives because of Dole's seeming moderate stance.
Early June 1994 - Archconservatives plant stories in the news media targeting Republican moderates or anyone else who is not a "true believer." During Senate Finance Committee deliberations on the reform bill, the Washington Times weighs in with more of the same. "Some GOP colleagues and their staff view Mr. Dole's chief of staff and health care guru, Sheila Burke, as a liberal Democrat," the paper said, adding, "'Our No. 1's No. 1 is a liberal Democrat."
Early June 1994[/B] - Archconservatives plant stories in the news media

you just make this shit up dont you?

thers no such thing as an "anarcho-conservative" a,d that silly bullshit is the supideast claim i have yeat heard (and i read the crystal power thread and the GMO weed thread)

if there were such a thing as "anarcho-conservatives" how do you propose they planted stories in the press? they would have to be pretty powerful, pretty well organized, and pretty well connected in the press....

ohhh!! by "anarcho-conservatives" you mean ULTRA-LIBERAL LEFTY STOOGES!

rachel maddow must have been busy that week.
How would you know what I have or haven't read jack ass. When you work in health care you get this info very easy and it gets explained to you through meetings. So when you have several meetings with people who are trained in how the "Obamacare" system will work then you will have a little bit more insight than people who only watch fox news or listen to other idiots about things like this. So before you open your mouth about things, maybe you should do some real research on that topic. Yea, it has a ton of pages, but you can get a copy that takes out all the extra b.s. wording thats only in it as filler. Get the slimmed down version, which is still alot of reading, but get that copy and read it.

Hell, you probably wouldn't be able to understand it anyway and just keep making assumptions.
So you havnt read ALL of it then.

Too fucking easy.
How would you know what I have or haven't read jack ass. When you work in health care you get this info very easy and it gets explained to you through meetings. So when you have several meetings with people who are trained in how the "Obamacare" system will work then you will have a little bit more insight than people who only watch fox news or listen to other idiots about things like this. So before you open your mouth about things, maybe you should do some real research on that topic. Yea, it has a ton of pages, but you can get a copy that takes out all the extra b.s. wording thats only in it as filler. Get the slimmed down version, which is still alot of reading, but get that copy and read it.

Hell, you probably wouldn't be able to understand it anyway and just keep making assumptions.

so we should all read the Reader's Digest Condensed and Simplified Obamacare Bill but be regulated and controlled by the gigantic, secret, endlessly recursive Real Bill?

thats some thinking.

"Read The Bill" is a cop out, usually used by idiots who havent read it themselves, since the The Bill is Unreadable.

I HAVE read it. in full. it's a shitload of meaninless legalese which camouflages the real law, and the real law sucks mightily. it creates a massive bureaucracy, and lets that bureaucracy figure out how the "exchanges" will work, how much the penaltax may be,, and who gets boned and how.

wonks like cheesie and buck dont know how this shit works any more than the congress who passed it or Barry Seotoro who has convinced himself he wrote it. they read the position papers and opinions from various other related bureaucracies as instructed by The Slate and Daily Kos, and then repeat it here.

YOU dont know how it works either, you have been TOLD what it means but thats not the same thing.

NOBODY knows how it will "work" since it is a meaningless bundle or random words surrounding "And Barry Spake The Word of Creation and Made Healthcare. and it was good." the rest is all left to the mandarins to decide.
so we should all read the Reader's Digest Condensed and Simplified Obamacare Bill but be regulated and controlled by the gigantic, secret, endlessly recursive Real Bill?

thats some thinking.

"Read The Bill" is a cop out, usually used by idiots who havent read it themselves, since the The Bill is Unreadable.

I HAVE read it. in full. it's a shitload of meaninless legalese which camouflages the real law, and the real law sucks mightily. it creates a massive bureaucracy, and lets that bureaucracy figure out how the "exchanges" will work, how much the penaltax may be,, and who gets boned and how.

wonks like cheesie and buck dont know how this shit works any more than the congress who passed it or Barry Seotoro who has convinced himself he wrote it. they read the position papers and opinions from various other related bureaucracies as instructed by The Slate and Daily Kos, and then repeat it here.

YOU dont know how it works either, you have been TOLD what it means but thats not the same thing.

NOBODY knows how it will "work" since it is a meaningless bundle or random words surrounding "And Barry Spake The Word of Creation and Made Healthcare. and it was good." the rest is all left to the mandarins to decide.

This just goes to show that regardless of the truth people still make up their own reality. Keep living in your own little world guy, maybe one day you will finally catch that ever elusive thing called a clue.
This just goes to show that regardless of the truth people still make up their own reality. Keep living in your own little world guy, maybe one day you will finally catch that ever elusive thing called a clue.

You're truly special. Obama already said it wasn't a tax and there's no way to know its "benefits" unless voted for first. :dunce:
You're truly special. Obama already said it wasn't a tax and there's no way to know its "benefits" unless voted for first. :dunce:

oh, you're still aping that out of context sound byte that fox news perpetuated for douchebags like you to repeat.

good boy. want a biscuit? perhaps some organic, fair trade arugula?*

*goddamn asterisks
This just goes to show that regardless of the truth people still make up their own reality. Keep living in your own little world guy, maybe one day you will finally catch that ever elusive thing called a clue.

pretty big talk from a dumbass who already admitted he hasnt read the bill himself, right after exhorting everybody else to read the fucking bill.

hypocrisy and stupidity are not always found together, but they sure do hang around in the same areas a lot.

tell us more about how YOU know what obamacare will be since you were briefed on the whole thing by your employer who is in "healthcare"...
So based off of what I read, and the numbers, the government is basically counting on Americans to pay the penalty. So once again, the Government continues to generate revenue, without having to provide a service.

...and even if they did provide a "service" can any kind of true service be called a service if it doesn't allow a person to opt in or to opt out? To be a service it should involve a consensual exchange, not a unilateral contract that involves threats of force. That's the same kind of service a rapist provides.
...and even if they did provide a "service" can any kind of true service be called a service if it doesn't allow a person to opt in or to opt out? To be a service it should involve a consensual exchange, not a unilateral contract that involves threats of force. That's the same kind of service a rapist provides.

OPT out of my country and move to one more suitable to a whining pussy such as yourself. Try Haiti.
OPT out of my country and move to one more suitable to a whining pussy such as yourself. Try Haiti.

....When your shallow reservoir of sensibility runs dry, you quickly change the subject. Looks like you've opted out of answering the question and gone for your signature move, the insult.

How do you know I'm not already in Haiti doing voluntary charitable work?
pretty big talk from a dumbass who already admitted he hasnt read the bill himself, right after exhorting everybody else to read the fucking bill.

hypocrisy and stupidity are not always found together, but they sure do hang around in the same areas a lot.

tell us more about how YOU know what obamacare will be since you were briefed on the whole thing by your employer who is in "healthcare"...

Since you read all of Obamacare, is there really a provision which prevents an ER from claiming reimbursement if the same person visits more than once in the same month?

There's such a thing as complications from what sent you to the ER in the first place.

Without Obamacare, an ER is reimbursed for all visits if the patient is too poor. Without reimbursement, even if its illegal to turn you away, I don't see why an ER wouldn't turn you away and figure out justification later. Even if they let you die.
I am not aware of any ER provisions like that in Obamacare. They've added over 10k pages since passing the bill so maybe it's there and we have not been notified yet.

This would mean they understand the abuse from frequent flyers in the ER (we have some that make over 100 trips a year). I don't believe they have made this provision to "fix" this but if they did, it wouldn't surprise me. As hard as it is to believe, a doctor in the ER does not care what type of insurance you have or don't have, he cares about your condition and what he needs to do to helf. Or if you are seeking pills, he cares that you are wasting his time. Let's give ER personnel the power to say, not an emergency, go see a doctor.
Since you read all of Obamacare, is there really a provision which prevents an ER from claiming reimbursement if the same person visits more than once in the same month?

There's such a thing as complications from what sent you to the ER in the first place.

Without Obamacare, an ER is reimbursed for all visits if the patient is too poor. Without reimbursement, even if its illegal to turn you away, I don't see why an ER wouldn't turn you away and figure out justification later. Even if they let you die.

the obamacare bill doesnt have any nuts and bolts information, it leaves those little details to the various bureaucracies to sort out. HHS, HUD IRS, and about 2/3 of the alphabet soup agencies in washington get new powers and new responsibilities, and it's up to them to figure out the implementation. thats why we get bi-weekly stories about the next awesome/chilling "Clarification" or "Legislative Opinion"

the bill is a mess, it scavenges the corpses of the VA medicare and medicaid, grinds up the separation of departmental influence and demolishes the separation of powers, then lets the Imperial Eunuchs reorganize the Imperial Court, casting out those in disfavour and laying new honours and titles on those who serve His Will.

Avert Your Gaze! For Barry's glorious visage is too magnificent for peasants like us.
the obamacare bill doesnt have any nuts and bolts information, it leaves those little details to the various bureaucracies to sort out. HHS, HUD IRS, and about 2/3 of the alphabet soup agencies in washington get new powers and new responsibilities, and it's up to them to figure out the implementation. thats why we get bi-weekly stories about the next awesome/chilling "Clarification" or "Legislative Opinion"

the bill is a mess, it scavenges the corpses of the VA medicare and medicaid, grinds up the separation of departmental influence and demolishes the separation of powers, then lets the Imperial Eunuchs reorganize the Imperial Court, casting out those in disfavour and laying new honours and titles on those who serve His Will.

Avert Your Gaze! For Barry's glorious visage is too magnificent for peasants like us.
Obama is Alanis Morisette in disguise?