thought id introduce myself a bit


Active Member
hi all

just signed up to RIU the other day seems like a pretty cool forum with some really knowledgable people

been smoking about 10 year growing for about 4 or 5 of that (only for percy potency, aroma, and taste first always for me over yeild)

other than that im a DJ in the U.K which you may guess from the name :) so if any of you need advice on compression, eqin, and samplers in return for help getting my crop as sweet as possible im your man :blsmoke:


Active Member
bongsmilie having a nice morning making beats and smoking

P.S if anyone is into drumandbass/jungle or deep breakbeat stuff bit of dubstep pm me or something ill send you some links ot my stuff :D (and yes apart from being obsessed with green im even more obsessed with music)