Thought my setup was good, leaf cupping downwards from seed

Seed was planted 7 days ago and now this is where I am at. I think there is something wrong since the fan leaves are curling really bad downward. Rockwool cubes sit on top of a bed of per lite and the container is on top of a heat mat. Temps stay 75-80 at all times. The light is a 13w equivalent of a 60w 6700 spectrum Dont feed any nutes, just ph'd distilled water to 5.8/9. I water them everyday when the light comes on, can this be too much?



Well-Known Member
They look fine to me, the first set of leaves are cotyldons aka feeder leaves, not fan leaves. They usually always curl and will eventually turn yellow and die after the plant grows a few sets of true leaves.


Do you have a fan on them? In a dome or anything like that? When I took clones I had to make sure that rockwool was damp throughout the day, if you have a fan running on them with a heat mat the water may be in higher demand than once a day, or enough water that it pool a bit and the seedlings can slurp it up throughout the day.

These are just ideas, good luck!
Do you have a fan on them? In a dome or anything like that? When I took clones I had to make sure that rockwool was damp throughout the day, if you have a fan running on them with a heat mat the water may be in higher demand than once a day, or enough water that it pool a bit and the seedlings can slurp it up throughout the day.

These are just ideas, good luck!
Thanks, no fan but it is in a 1 cubic foot insulated box that I made, not sure what the RH is. I leave the heat pad on all the time since it keeps the box around 78-80.


Well-Known Member
First of all it is not normal for the primary or secondary cotyledons to curl and die. On a truly healthy plant the seconday cotyledons(the serated single leaf) will continue to grow and be green and healthy months later. No that said since your not feeding just giving pH'd water then are you using a digital pH meter, if not get one, you can find them cheap on the internet, $15. It looks to me like the pH of you irrigant is a little off and even a slight dscrepancy at that age makes a big diference.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
First off our seedlings look fine. I would just get a bit more light and keep them a bit closer to reduce stretch. Secondly cannabis plants only have one set of cotyledons. The first set of single blades is in fact the first node of the plant and lets you know it has begun vegging.

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
First of all it is not normal for the primary or secondary cotyledons to curl and die. On a truly healthy plant the seconday cotyledons(the serated single leaf) will continue to grow and be green and healthy months later. No that said since your not feeding just giving pH'd water then are you using a digital pH meter, if not get one, you can find them cheap on the internet, $15. It looks to me like the pH of you irrigant is a little off and even a slight dscrepancy at that age makes a big diference.
I think you may have confused single leafed plants and there growth patterns when you referred to a secondary cotyledon. Heres a good read on the subject.
First off our seedlings look fine. I would just get a bit more light and keep them a bit closer to reduce stretch. Secondly cannabis plants only have one set of cotyledons. The first set of single blades is in fact the first node of the plant and lets you know it has begun vegging.
My PH could have been off for sure. My PH meter wasnt calibrated for a long time since I didnt have a calbriation solution. I finally got some yesterday and it was off by a half point. Is it possible that there can be a cal/mag defencicy since I am feeding only PH'd distilled water? When do I start using nutes, I was thinking I can give them 1/8-1/4 strenght nutes.