Thoughts in my head


Active Member
hell and how is everyone....this is a place where you can just post your thoughts, art work, writings, and whatever else you feel moves you. today i am really high and feeling good, i will start with a lil somethin i can up with just now. its for all you stoners ;) if there are any of you out there :)

my friend

I look at my table
and there it stands
the most beautiful bong
in all the lands
it looks like the ocean
and made of glass
so lets pack a bowl
and smoke some grass
kill a bowl to my head
get real high
as i post this thread
pack the bowl
and make a pass
hit it to hard
and it will kick your ass
i smoke so much
it keeps me sane
thank you God
for Mary Jane:joint:


Active Member
Well I was hoping to see a few works in here...not yet tho:)

Hmm i'm thinking of posting something i wrote, in a very hard time in my life. i hope it doesnt set a mood for this thread. But I love all art, sad, happy. Whatever emotion is expressed. Please fell free to post whatever inspires your mind, soul, or heart ;)

Diary of a Cutter
Screaming inside
I can’t keep this in
I have to let it out
It will consume me
You don’t understand
You think I’m weak
Maybe I am
But I need it
Need to feel the pain
Open myself up
Bleed again
Once you were my distraction
Now I just want to cut deeper
Now I only have this
Sharp edge
cool metal
Feels good on my skin
Until the blackness
Then all I see is my pain
Finally released
Finally free


Active Member
Well I hope I didn't freak anyone out with that last post. I am in a good mood today and have nothing dark in my thoughts..the buds are looking so nice and i have so much to be thankful for!!!!

I never knew I’d love you
I never knew at all
I never knew I’d sit here
Waiting for you’re call
I never knew you’d be the one
To make my life worth while
I never knew what I’d do
Just to see u smile
I never knew
you were all I needed
To make my life complete
I never knew I’d be kneeling here
weeping at your feet
I never knew I’d love you
I never knew at all
I never knew
That for you
My heart would surely fall

as always plz feel welcome to post here!!!​
Its great that You have no dark thoughts . So I think that You will show great and addictive poem as soon as. I am so curious to see your new thoughts as poem. I will wait for your new poem.


Active Member
I am deeply sleeping
My thoughts consumed by you
Of all the lingering kisses
And the sexy things we do
Oh how I want you
You know I can’t resist
The passion that I have for you
I didn’t know it did exist
The way your mouth tastes
When we kiss
When I’m gone
That’s what I miss
The thought that I’ve been having
I know no good girl should
Come on Baby touch me
I wouldn’t stop it if I could
The way I feel about you
I think its time you knew
So please Baby wake me
And make my dreams come true:leaf:


Active Member
this thing that I feel
growing inside
reckless and hopeful
feeding on pride
slicing and tearing
it rips at my soul
developing quickly
out of control
I know that it wants
the best thing for me
tracking and killing
an old memory
my mind tells me
go run and hide
there is nothing left
cant turn the tide
but my heart says trust
and you will see
that not all dreams end
in misery


Active Member
Silent he watches
He waits for the start
To see the crimson
His favorite part
My knuckles are bruised
From punching the walls
a knife in my hand
A voice softly calls
The whisper is only
A voice in my head
Telling me stop
Or soon you’ll be dead
Not that he cares
He wants me around
Twisted and longing
Blood on the ground
I open
And see it again
Nothing so beautiful
As pleasure sin
My soul is so lonely
And coming apart
Cant wait for the pain
To heal my heart
I deserve love
This I cant say
I know that my life
Is a dept I cant pay


Active Member
Im sry everyone. isnt the best day....and i will post what i want. i hope someone knows the place i am in, the words are just how i feel inside sometimes. i really am not trying to piss anyone off.


Active Member
My sweet dream
what will become of us
will our friendship ever be more then this
words written on paper
that will someday be dust
I feel in my soul that we are something more
the touch of your skin is more then a desire
it is a craving
like that high that I never could quite reach
but so much more
because of what is in my heart
i cant escape the chains of the past
it tortures my soul
eclipses my happiness
it steals from my heart
and leaves me helpless to resist


Active Member
What the fuck was I thinking
Now our love is sinking
When it could have never been
I am a fool
I am a tool
For thinking I could ever change
Now im frozen up cold
This shits getting old
I know you cant wait for love
Foolish for hoping
I know your not joking
But I love you to much to say
don’t even try
No kiss goodbye
Forget you ever met me
What can I say
I’ll just go away
Pretend you never met me:-|:joint:


sounds like some sad stuff. i tried to base this off of your sad one and make it from the other side, i hope you like it, i'm not really a writer, i'm a counter :).

your thoughts were not lacking
our love is still afloat
it will be what we make of it
our future isn't wrote

the warmth will come soon
the stench will die down
we'll revel in the wonder
of what it is we've found

far too late for waiting
its already found its way
our hearts our now connected
no matter what we try or say

across mental distances
every nite before bed we kiss
there isn't that much left
except more time for us to miss

so hey what the hell
let's give it a shot
we'll probably have a great time
otherwise it's better to know

than to not.


Active Member

Beautiful angel
Fell from the sky
Came to earth
Condemned to die
Could our love
Had been so wrong
I waited for you
You took so long
At least we’re together
Forever we’ll be
Thou you gave heaven
Up for me



Active Member
I love you so much
I think i may die
every night i lay awake
everyday i cry
why do i love you
what do i have to give
nothing but a broken heart
that struggles just to live
every night i see you
and in my dreams we kiss
why am i so afraid
did i not pray for this
tonight my baby hold me
in your arms and heart
tomorrow when we wake up
i know we'll be apart

ty everyone for letting me post here.

Rod Payne

Found this pic on the LIVESTONED facebook. They post awesome pics on facebook and my friend has worn a bracelet and used their free online directory for years. LIVESTONED is great. Check out the pic!


Active Member
:leaf:thinking I am happy
and all will be well
is it all in my head
you know I can not tell
this time i thinking
maybe it will last
love cant be overcome
by the shadow of my past
then doubt overcomes me
and i think it can not be true
how can a girl like me
mean so much to you
i love you baby
thanks for putting up with me
if i didn’t have you in my life
it would be a tragedy