Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
No one knows what or who "God" is except by what is written. What if it's like you say, should we not be grateful? You love your parents and family, wouldn't you love your creator that gave you all these experiences even more. I've thought all these things you've been talking about myself. I started out as very skeptical. To the point I thought I need real help not bullshit!! The only thing I know is draw near to God and he will draw near to you!! The problem is you have to exercise faith to experience it, that hurdle as small as it seems is where alot of people cant seem to step over. But we have faith the sun will come up tomorrow, we will wake up each morning. If there's more to life than meets the eye wouldn't you want to know!!
What if god wants to draw near to me, just so he can "cyber bone" my wife and impregnate her with his only son ?
- Joseph (Jesus step father) the guy who God told adultery was a sin....until he "boned" Joseph's wife.