Thoughts on the "people" you see on Salvia trips


Active Member
It seems most everyone sees some humanoid on a salvia trip, or at least a living intelligible creature. Or lots of them. Do people think this is really accessing another dimension? Or do the different trains of thought going on during the trip somehow become represented by other beings because of the drug's effect? Or something else?

I guess I lean towards thinking the brain is just fucking itself up. I believe more in the power of the brain than the existence of things around us that we can't perceive without Salvia. Though I do still think that the other option is entirely possible. An erowid account had a guy say we exist basically parallel to this other dimension, but just can't see it when the brain is functioning properly. Because of the fucked up things these creatures usually say that seem so random, I think it's entirely possible these beings exist on some parallel plane. This drug, or whatever it is, is seriously the most fascinating thing.

On a side note or for further discussion, I can't BELIEVE Salvia is legal most places in the US. Whereas grass isn't. And alcohol is. Those priorities are so fucked. I personally think ALL drugs should be legal, and if crime got out of hand from it then laws should be put in place to more steeply punish people who offend while tripping on shit.


Well-Known Member
The only humanoids I saw on my salvia trip were my friends and girlfriend laughing their asses of at me. I tried handing my GF the pipe mid-trip, and the pipe felt so heavy I thought it was gonna break my arm.
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a friend of mine thought he was outside the front of his local newagent. he was actually sittin in his front room on the couch! i think its still legal because it is a relatively new substance used to get high. the properties and use wer only re-discovered in the 60's i believe. used by mazatec indian shamens to contact the spirit world.


Well-Known Member
its funny when i see these dumb little girls tryin to be cool and say "yea i'll smoke it! i dont care!" and they trip out. hahahaha stupid bitches. ive seen some cry before. lol


Well-Known Member
Trying to analyize a Salvia trip is like listening to a skipping record. Was it real or just my brain making it up? or was it....?? ...I think I saw??

I wonder if you did acid then smoked Salvia? Maybe you wouldn't black out then?


Well-Known Member
the only reason I think salvia is legal is because it's not an enjoyable long lasting high. It's not a party drug and most trips are either informative in some nature or just not enjoyable. Unlike other drugs where its like, yeah we gotta a bunch of people doing "insert drug here" come on over and party. Salvia does not fit the bill. Imagine going to a salvia party. I'd be bored as fuck and insist on drinking.


Well-Known Member
i did salvia not too long ago.
i went into a deep sweat which felt like pins and needles on my body (as soon as my trip was over the sweat stopped)
it was pretty neat, i felt that my lifting my arms about 3 inches off the ground (i was lying down on my back) that i was doing a backflip, kinda weird but it was neat.
and i was laughing quite a bit too, it was uncontrolable. i think from what i remember i was laughing at 'how real it is'... not sure what that meant to me at the time lol


Active Member
I almost always trip alone in a unstimulating room, but I just tripped while watching That 70's Show. Weird as hell. The most vivid thing is the characters were looking at the camera far more than average on a TV show, and of course when they did they were looking right through the TV at me, and talking to me. They kept repeating something at one point, I think asking me "are you sure?". Possibly asking if I was sure I'd let out the smoke because I focused on my lungs and couldn't tell if I had, and it was freaking me out. When they talked to eachother it's like they were talking about me and ignoring that I was right there. I felt like an imposter, was sweating like shit, and couldn't tell for the life of me if I'd breathed out my bong hit.

All in all pretty fun though as weird as that sounds. The whole time I was probably laughing though I don't remember.


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No not the shitty little places I was at. I'm sure some store in the US does ship out though. Anybody else know???


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I've smoked it twice. The first time everything looked flat like a mario game, i couldnt stop laughing and when i sat down i couldnt keep sitting up. I would just lay down in the grass. The second time i thought it was more comparable to DMT. I smoked it out of a key chain pipe with a torch lighter. My friend asked me if i was coming up but i just got the giggles again. This time something was different. The group of people standing around our camp fire started to look like giant granite pillars. One of them started to stoke the fire and i swore for a second that i was looking at a bridge that had just caught fire. Absolute terror overtook me for a half second. After that i cant remember having any emotions, as if i was stuck in a void looking out. All i could see were intense colors and strange objects floating around in a little window in front of me. Then i came down.

A friend named kieran told me that he once sawing millions of himself holding him off the seat he was sitting in. maybe the people that you see when you smoke salvia are just a reflection of ones self.


Active Member
salvia is readily available on e-bay and the net. it goes for about 10.00 bucks for an oz. of regular can also buy "enhanced leaf" for a lot more.enhanced leaf comes in many strengths 10x, 20x, and so on.i have only tried the regular good hit in a bong or water pipe will kick your ass!torch the bowl through the whole hit because the active ingredient only vaporizes at high temperature.hold the hit as long as possible but, put the pipe down as soon as you're done with the hit.i and my friends who have done this only needed one good toke to experience the lady salvias power.this is no joke! this shit kicks your ass, but you are back to base line in 10 minutes or less .i have tried it all and this stuff by far is the most intense shit i have ever experienced.i have been a regular pot smoker for 35 years, this shit is intense.beware though, this shit might scare the crap out of you.respect the lady salvia!! peace!

That Smell

Active Member
Salvia caused a stress related dissociation disorder. Basically I felt really high for weeks and weeks. Many people kill themselves after doing salvia. I smoked a bunch of this stuff hundreds of times and I wasnt sure what I was getting into it was really weird new and interesting. Salvia should be respected for sure. Used infrequintly if at all. Also those with mental health risk ie someone in the family is pschytzo or bi polar steer clear of this stuff. Also salvia is not illegal because it is not encompassed in the Analog Act. Meaning there is not enough chemical resemblence between Salvia and an existing illegal drug. Therefore it would require a legislation to add salvia to the list of controlled substances. Mark my words this drug will be illega in the next ten to fifteen years. Enjoy your trips.


Active Member
I had an insane trip on salvia. I went on a cruise with a few friends who had done it a few weeks before me, they finally got their hands on some more and insisted I try it. We took a ride to the local convient store, I took one pull from a pipe before i could even exhale i was bugging! My two friends turned in their heads to the back seat and asked if i felt anything, theirs eyes melted as they were talking. As their eyes were melting they kept laughing and laughing. A crazy creepy laugh. I zoned out then found my myself trapped in the video game Zelda, thats when i was so upset I did it. I truly thought i was stuck in this other world. It was probably the most intense 5 minutes in my life