Throwin up after takin a hit????


Okay so last night i went over to a friends house n smoked outa a bob marly pipe he had. After a few hits i took another, coughed, and sum puke came up! This happened once then again a couple hours later! But it was just me that was puking. Does any1 no y i was throwin up??!


Active Member
Could have been laced. One of my first times smoking, I with a buddies, parents where gone, I got so trashed I knew I was going to puke I turned to my friend and asked him to get me a bowl or something so i could puke into it... I was so couch locked I wasnt going to get, so as i am about to hurl the fucker comes over with a cereal bowl. WTF that aint gunna do shit. Needless to say I puked everywhere.

If people ask jsut say it was food poisoning HAHA


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you coughed to the point where your gag reflex kicked in. Happens from time to time. If you weren't coughing, it may have just been the taste or texture of the smoke that irritated your throat. I wouldn't worry about it it, if it happens again you might have a problem though.

o= High= o

Well-Known Member
"OH NO" I think your allergic to marijuana!! JUST KIDDIN like they said you gagged you puked it happens


New Member
Lol. My g/f couldn't smoke for the first 4 months I knew her every single time she took a hit she would like swallow it or something and within minutes she would puke once or twice. Kinda cool though there was always a huge cloud of smoke following the vomit lol. Took 4 months of me shotgunning it to her before she could hit it herself. But now she takes bigger rips off the 4 foot gravity than I can fathom
Mostly everytime i eat mexican and smoke within an hour, ill throw up after taking a hit
Yikes. Does it then come out both ends? :lol:

Like everyone said, you probably got a harsh hit, gagged, and chucked. It happens. Personally, I've never chucked but sometimes a harsh hit of blunt will make me cough like a mofo and I'll go through gagging fits, so I can understand how you might :spew:


Active Member
The gag reflex might be it but also try to stay hydrated. Smoking can definately dehydrate you, especially in hot weather, and dehydration mixed with a lot of coughing will definately lead to throwing up.:spew: