Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
Im waiting to get a chiller before i do any hydro,Im so tired of fighting the heat here in TX,every yr.
I could see that being an issue in texas, thankfully my basement stays decent in the summer, and the floor keeps my res cool all year long. I've wondered if it migh tget to cool in thw winter,but the plants do ok so meh.

Well I got about 25 more clones cut off various plants. A bunch of it is my original WW since that mother is big and healthy now, but there is some more strawberrys and some more of the WW from seed. I also too the whole top of my critical jack plant off as a clone, it was almost heart breaking, but it will leave a beautiful 4 headed plant in my flower tray now I think. I also cloned both the cindys, I took one side off each of them as a clone, and actually went ahead and put one of them into my tray. If it gets big enough to clone again before it starts to flower I'll do so just to have another, but it doesn't seem to branch alot so it may just get flowered out. Either way it had a nice root system on it so I'm sure its gonna flower well! So my tray is now about half way full, and the next generation is already chilling building roots. This latest round of clones won't be going into flower for a minute, so it will even be a few weeks before I gotta take more. The new tray and res seem to be working out well. It doesn't fill as high as I did on my last run, but it fills as high as I ever used to fill my tray before atleast a good 3-4 inchs so not bad. We'll see how the plants like things this time, and how the strawberries do with a bit more time. Obviously I'm most excited about the cindy and critical jack, its gonna be great to have some new premium genetics in the mix of things.

Hope you all have had a great friday, and I'll talk yo you guys tomorrow!

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Ok guys so I had a 6 hour trim session tonight with just me my buds and some music. I'd say I got about 4-5 oz done, and I only trimmed mostly the lower stuff which I had removed form the main colas to dry it all, so it might not have as much weight there, but its a nice pile of buds either way. I also made a point of removing a munch of stuff by hand, and actually giving the buds a little rub down to remove and loose material, and to aid my other project tonight. In the process of the trimming I made a point of making some charas! I watched a strain hunters the other day where they were in nepal, and were hand rubbing charas from these plants in the mountains. So I wanted to try this technique. It was a huge success, I was very gentle with the buds so I don't feel I did much damage to them, and I ended up with 1.6g of very clean bubba kush charas. I've always found getting resin off my hands to be a bitch, but the key is to get alot on them. Once it builds up a "callous" off resin on your fingers, it literally peels right off. It was still a bit of a pain to get all the small amounts, but this is the smelliest hash I've ever had. It still has all the oils, and terpenes of the original herb since it wasn't processed with anything other then love. I'm about to burn some so I'll get you guys a smoke report tomorrow.

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Well I made it to page 26 of 41, eventually I will get through the whole thread! Thanks for the read! Still can't give you more Rep+ dammit! :)


Well-Known Member
Lol bleeds I will take it your enjoying the thread since you keep working your way through it, and the long list of likes from you! Its been a really fun couple years, and I've just bee going back through it some as I've looked at that list, and it keeps reminding me of things I've forgotten which is great. I hadn't thought about that tinfoil hat contest in forever, that was some fun shit. Enjoy the rest man I'll be around.


Well-Known Member
Lol bleeds I will take it your enjoying the thread since you keep working your way through it, and the long list of likes from you! Its been a really fun couple years, and I've just bee going back through it some as I've looked at that list, and it keeps reminding me of things I've forgotten which is great. I hadn't thought about that tinfoil hat contest in forever, that was some fun shit. Enjoy the rest man I'll be around.
I loved "If I only had some braids!" I was humming wizard of Oz as I said it LMAO! I really am enjoying it, thanks for sharing! I know pretty sad life for me, here I sit on a Saturday night reading about your life 3 years ago LOL! I love being old, hahahah!


Ok guys so I had a 6 hour trim session tonight with just me my buds and some music. I'd say I got about 4-5 oz done, and I only trimmed mostly the lower stuff which I had removed form the main colas to dry it all, so it might not have as much weight there, but its a nice pile of buds either way. I also made a point of removing a munch of stuff by hand, and actually giving the buds a little rub down to remove and loose material, and to aid my other project tonight. In the process of the trimming I made a point of making some charas! I watched a strain hunters the other day where they were in nepal, and were hand rubbing charas from these plants in the mountains. So I wanted to try this technique. It was a huge success, I was very gentle with the buds so I don't feel I did much damage to them, and I ended up with 1.6g of very clean bubba kush charas. I've always found getting resin off my hands to be a bitch, but the key is to get alot on them. Once it builds up a "callous" off resin on your fingers, it literally peels right off. It was still a bit of a pain to get all the small amounts, but this is the smelliest hash I've ever had. It still has all the oils, and terpenes of the original herb since it wasn't processed with anything other then love. I'm about to burn some so I'll get you guys a smoke report tomorrow.

Peace TC
Thanks for the great tip for res buildup while trimming. I've always cleaned snips and my fingers with alcohol frenquently when trimming to avoid build up. Never tried to
use it but it sounds like a good idea.


Well-Known Member
First off there is nothing sad about that Bleeds, one cus I'm doing the same thing now that I'm done trimming for the night. 2 cus going out is what gets people in trouble, plain and simple, party at home and your almost guaranteed no drama unless its with the old lady! I have loved keeping this journal man, partly because it has helped me learn so much through the process, and also because if my experience can help even one other person then wasn't it worth it.

Sally great to see you over here again. I had always kept a tiny bit of butter on my fingers and wiped them off frequently to keep the residue down. It worked great, forms a nice barrier, butter is also my favorite way to clean everything afterwards, it breaks things down even better then alcohol I think, and then a quick wash with soap. This new method may become my go to, at least for some buds I don't mind handling a bit more. If you've never watched strain hunters its on youtube, and I love it. It is Arjan from Greenhouse seeds and another guy from there named franco as they travel around the world collecting landrace and local genetics for breeding. They always take part in the local culture which in nepal included learning to make the charas, or hand rubbed hash. They were using fresh plants there and were basically very gently rubbing the buds between their hands to work the oils off without damaging the green material much. I found that being gentle and frequently brushing any debris off was the key, and I feel I got a nice finished hash.

With that said "SMOKE REPORT" :

So I was still on here and I figured I share tonight!

Strain:" Bubba Kush " its a hand me down, so I'm not sure breeder.

Harvest time:7.5 weeks

Smell: Fuel, Earthy, ?piney

Taste: Similar to smell, more hashy, a bit of citrus on the exhale

Texture: Rather dry and crumbly, but can be squeezed into a ball/disc/patty

Smoke: Very smooth, almost surprisingly, but I'm gonna give some credit to my bong bongsmilie Nice clean hit full of tons of flavor right till the end honestly. After my third hit I had that feeling like "oh ya I'm nice and high now", then we finished the bowl lol. That being said I started typing this post at about 12:45 am, it is now almost 1:20...........:eyesmoke:

Final Impressions: I liked the new hash, lol like I ever doubted I would. No honestly I'm not a huge fan of the flavor the BK usually has, its just not my preferance however this hash was very enjoyable. I felt like the flavor took on alot more layers, and was really quite enjoyable. As I'm sitting here now I have almost a minty after taste which I find strange but not bad. I'm actually tempted to sacrifice like an oz of these buds and just go to town hand rolling them for hash. Then I'll cook with the left overs. We'll see how ambitious I'm feeling.

Ok now I'm off to bed, you guys have a great night and have a very HAPPY ST. PATTY'S Day tomorrow...well today.... Peace Guys TC


Well-Known Member
Hey TC. I would love to gather some charas from fields of weed. I had a friend on here that was from india and did that a few times. Since it's wild everything is always seeded, so the rubbing is the easiest way. I guess he would finish a day with a few baseball sized balls. I'm stoked you tried it with your bud, I'd never actually thought if that. :) Now you just need to smoke it out of a chillum. lol

Oh, and someone can finally answer yes to this question:

Happy Sunday to you my friend.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna have to read through that thread. I've always found the natural growth of it in India specifically fascinating. That's one of the things that really appeals to me about mandala seeds, they way they embraced the Indian culture and genetics. As a matter of fact one of my favorite glass pieces is a really simple chillum, so that will be a plan for later today. My only complaint about smoking hash from a chillum is I have a hard time getting to hit well unless I put a little bud in too. I was really surprised at how much I got off with the little bit of rubbing I did. I didn't want to abuse the nugs to much especially since they were dry and I didn't want a bunch of "green" material in the hash. Man I really have got to recommend giving it a try. I've never had hash this full of flavor, and that makes me really eager to do this with some of my WW. I've made dry rubbed hash before with a screen, and I've made iso hash before, but its always been a mixture of plants that I used. I'm actually glad this BK was just Bk because I it gave me a better appreciation for it.

Its after lunch here, so St Patties day is about to start to me, gonna get some food, and dig into my bottle of Jameson Whiskey! Burning some nugs now, and some work in the garden later will make this all a very green day. Hope the same for everyone else, be safe and get a little Irish in ya!


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna have to read through that thread. I've always found the natural growth of it in India specifically fascinating. That's one of the things that really appeals to me about mandala seeds, they way they embraced the Indian culture and genetics. As a matter of fact one of my favorite glass pieces is a really simple chillum, so that will be a plan for later today. My only complaint about smoking hash from a chillum is I have a hard time getting to hit well unless I put a little bud in too. I was really surprised at how much I got off with the little bit of rubbing I did. I didn't want to abuse the nugs to much especially since they were dry and I didn't want a bunch of "green" material in the hash. Man I really have got to recommend giving it a try. I've never had hash this full of flavor, and that makes me really eager to do this with some of my WW. I've made dry rubbed hash before with a screen, and I've made iso hash before, but its always been a mixture of plants that I used. I'm actually glad this BK was just Bk because I it gave me a better appreciation for it.

Its after lunch here, so St Patties day is about to start to me, gonna get some food, and dig into my bottle of Jameson Whiskey! Burning some nugs now, and some work in the garden later will make this all a very green day. Hope the same for everyone else, be safe and get a little Irish in ya!
Enjoy the day Thunder! I got some cheese from a friends friend from Cali, not sure who's cheese but wow, not a morning weed, I don't want to leave the couch ;) Good shit!


Well-Known Member
lol thats great bleeds, but the couch isn't a bad place to be on a holiday either. Its rainy crappy here so I'm chillin with my girls enjoying the day! Hope yours goes well even if you don't get much done hehe.


Well-Known Member
Well things went well. She only had to push for 10-15 minutes, and at 10:35 last night I had a little baby girl, Chloe Anabelle! She was 7lb, 3oz, and 21inchs long. She is doing good, and is happy, and healthy. Heres a couple picture of my little thunder kitten!

Hope you guys have a good night, and I'll talk to ya soon, Peace TC
Had to take a break here and bring this back up, Congrats Thunder and Thunders better half! I know she isn't a baby anymore and I am way late on the congrats but this is where I am on the thread and wanted to give you Love!


Well-Known Member
Well I finally finished the entire thread. I feel like I am related to you Thunder! Thanks for all the sharing, glad to see you are more regular again and nice to see your married and your beautiful daughter is doing great 3 years later! Hopefully all your injuries are healed up well and this will be your last move for some time! I think that is everything, again thanks for sharing, it was a great read and I feel like I know you.


Well-Known Member
Glad to have you around man for real, you seem like a cool dude from what I've seen around RIU. Thanks for the congrats on the little one, she isn't little any more but she is pretty awesome I gotta say. Seriously one of the smartest kids I've ever met, and she has an amazing cognitive and reasoning ability. She remembers everything so we gotta be careful what we say but we couldn't be happier with our little munchkin. That has been one of the blessings that came from this whole injury. I've gotten to spend the last 7 months with my daughter and family at a time in her life when she is learning and changing so much. Normally I would have missed so much being at work all day. Often times I only saw her 2-3 hours a day because of my schedule. So in the long run I'm sure this was all supposed to happen for a reason, and I try to just look at the bright side and figure out how to move forward.


Well-Known Member
congrats man cute baby ! enjoy it while u can before they get on ur nerve or start dating boy lol sorry think happy thought well have a good one stay lite pce Geturgrowon:)
Hey thanks man she can already get one my nerves pretty good, but shes a great kid!

Did some more trimming last night, I'd say I'm half way through it maybe a bit more. Got another .8 g of finger hash when I was done, I'm really enjoying this I have to say. Its definitely slowing me trimming down, but I feel like I'm getting more out of it.

The girls in the tray are looking great, some nice growth on them already. I figure a few more days and I'll prolly start seeing some pistils most likely. The cindy and the WW had preflowers going in, as did some of the strawberries. The critical jack is responding really well to the topping, considering I cut the plant more then in half I wasn't sure how much shock it would take, but seems great. All 4 heads are growing up well on that and the other WW I topped the same night.


Well-Known Member
OK so something weird tonight. Went down to check my res and shit and notice something floating in it. I stir it up and notice a bunch of shit floating in it. So I got some fucking algae from what I can tell. The air stone was caked with it, and the water had a bunch in it too. Sooo I drained my res, and while it was pumping out I poured about 2 gallons of water over each of the pots in the tray. The first gallon had some clearex in it as par the directions, then the second was just straight water. I'm hoping I caught this early enough it won't be an issue. I've NEVER had algae in my rez before so I'm not sure whats up. The only thing I can figure is maybe it happened since I don't have a lid on this res. That being said I made a lid out of panda film to eliminate the light from getting to the water. I am also getting a new air stone tomorrow the other one was old any way. So I'm resting my tap water tonight, and will refill the res tomorrow with some fresh nutes. Hopefully this will be that last time I have this issue, I use H2O2 normally but I think I'm gonna up the doseage this next res just to make sure everything is dead.

Thankfully all the girls looked great, some of the strawberries were so tall I had to supercrop them. The WWs that came from my seeds look amazing, one does look just a little bit different then the other too I'm eager to see what it does. Cindy put on over an inch in the last 2 days, and I'm seriously considering topping it tomorrow for another clone. We'll see how it goes, I've got a few more plants in my tray then I want that aren't single colas, as more clones are ready I might cull a few of the ones that I don't like the shape of(a couple strawberries, and one or 2 BK)


Well-Known Member
Man a strawberry nug would be killer, nice work on the quick catch. Youll just have to scrub a little harder a couple more times, ah well ;) id throw straight tap warer in to utilize the chlorine. Maybe thats just me though, noob n all :):):)