The Hippy
Well-Known Member
The goat ate my wife....I wasn't upset as I didn't really like her anyway.Maybe Hippy's wife has access to his riu account and posts these while he's out feedin the goat
The goat ate my wife....I wasn't upset as I didn't really like her anyway.Maybe Hippy's wife has access to his riu account and posts these while he's out feedin the goat
The idea that anyone 'needs' to use a profiteering LP when they can order from many different compassion clubs across the country by mail is shameful. Every dollar you give an LP is you helping some millionare buy a new lambo. If you can't grow your own, spend your money on the people who have been here for years helping, to these 'investors' and corporations trying to get rich on a bunch of poor people. This place used to know this. What happened?
Well Minnow maybe your more of a man than we gave you credit for. It must have been hard to come on here and tell the truth about your order. Sorry you were ripped off. Most of us here are very sympathetic to what happened to your order. Were not all bad folks either. Lots of great and different people on here. That's what makes it so interesting.
I'm not gonna rub it in, but you were misguided in a lot of your accusations and insults. Some folks took offense. Many of us realized your new to this and just not up to speed on other aspects of obtaining MMJ. You gotta get more of an open mind.
There are some folks here who were enjoying the bud before your parents even new each other I'm sure. So you should sit back and suck up the good vibes and info. Don't be a member of a very cool community. I offer an open hand to sit by our fire and enjoy top shelve buzz.
You see it's always been us ( MJ users too now ) against the system. The system never helped only tried to jail us. Now the system see's money so it's greedy nature think you and I are the bank vaults. So a community formed that can't be broken. Too many miles covered now to go back. So we fight...fuckin right we do. Were never gonna cow tail to the man or any LP's selling bunk or over priced weed.
The mmar worked for most people....the mmpr works for very few. As you have now seen. And this is what we knew would happen if the authorities tried to do this. I predicted most of what is going on and the problems we have when it was all announced. Not bragging, but I was correct in the end. LP's......we don't need em. Yes some are stuck where you are, but doesn't mean you can't do better than what they sent you. Join our team and network yourself a better situation. Get it ? We help ourselves and many help others too. Lot's of great mail order...CC's ....BM folks who aren't crooks......Fabulous grow shops......friends helping friends. We've always been on our own, and like it that way.
Minnow even thought you still hate us, the community is a compassionate one towards each other....usually. Yup, some fights break out, but basically were all in this together. But all in all it's a pretty helpful place with a huge knowledge base.
So maybe chill on the derogatory comments and join the right team. You are now experienced and can tell others what you know.
And thanks for actually doing that as I said earlier. I think your coming around.
Don't forget Minnow...........first we smoke, then there will be no lies between us.
What do you say ? Any flexibility on the hate part ?
LP's are AMAZING! and anyone who says anything bad about them is a black market gang supporter.
So are you two different people WTF your in one minute and out the next...did I miss something?The idea that anyone 'needs' to use a profiteering LP when they can order from many different compassion clubs across the country by mail is shameful. Every dollar you give an LP is you helping some millionare buy a new lambo. If you can't grow your own, spend your money on the people who have been here for years helping, to these 'investors' and corporations trying to get rich on a bunch of poor people. This place used to know this. What happened?
Never meant to make an enemy out of anyone here , So I appreciate the even handedness of select members here
By the way I've been buying from MPN discreetly for some time now , but as I said their shipping rates are painful
I wish I lived in Vancouver
If shipping is the issue. PLC Delivery offers free shipping over $100. I do not know about MPN to be honest with you. Feels like an LP in disguise. Especially if you look at their price range for their medical cannabis. Even their extracts are overpriced, in my opinion. Every order I placed on MPN kept increasing by $5-$10. It felt like a fish nibbling on the bait.Never meant to make an enemy out of anyone here , So I appreciate the even handedness of select members here
By the way I've been buying from MPN discreetly for some time now , but as I said their shipping rates are painful
I wish I lived in Vancouver
They charge bm prices but in my experience are defiantly not a LP in disguise. I've ordered bud/concentrates from mpn and before the order was shipped had them call to inform me something I orderd sold out. Frustrating for sure but they always replaced it with a more expensive offering. A lp would send you trim or a empty bottle then just deal with the blowback. IF mpn isn't meeting your needs try urban earth medical. They have never disapponted me. Shipping isn't bad at $15. Monday mail orders over $100 save 20% so that more then covers the shipping.If shipping is the issue. PLC Delivery offers free shipping over $100. I do not know about MPN to be honest with you. Feels like an LP in disguise. Especially if you look at their price range for their medical cannabis. Even their extracts are overpriced, in my opinion. Every order I placed on MPN kept increasing by $5-$10. It felt like a fish nibbling on the bait.
I bitched about 6$ weed from Canna Farms and they sent me 8$ weed for free as compensation.They charge bm prices but in my experience are defiantly not a LP in disguise. I've ordered bud/concentrates from mpn and before the order was shipped had them call to inform me something I orderd sold out. Frustrating for sure but they always replaced it with a more expensive offering. A lp would send you trim or a empty bottle then just deal with the blowback. IF mpn isn't meeting your needs try urban earth medical. They have never disapponted me. Shipping isn't bad at $15. Monday mail orders over $100 save 20% so that more then covers the shipping.
I just got a call from a bm buddy yesterday...good quality 'popcorn buds' available for $200 QP. I don't need any but it's tempting at that price!I bitched about 6$ weed from Canna Farms and they sent me 8$ weed for free as compensation.