

Well-Known Member
hey anybody plant ever fall all over the place during flowering? im in wk 7 of flowering and the buds are so heavy that they are fallin all over the place i tied the branches down so they are stable is that normal for the branches to fall over:shock:


Well-Known Member
if you aren't doing it now, make sure to use oscillating fans in the grow room during your next batch... helps make the stem and branches really strong so that it can support the bud growth later on in the game


Well-Known Member
With some strains it doesn't matter how much wind you blow on them, they just grow skinny stems. I grow 2-4 strains at a time, and they all have the same conditions, yet some of the strains I grow can't support their bud weight while others have no problems.


Well-Known Member
i have no idea i got the seeds from my friend. i was hoping someone could of told me if i get closer n better pics