time for trichomes to turn?

aussie (OZ) grower

Active Member
hey RIU community
i have a couple of outdoor sativa's pretty close to harvest and i was checking the trichomes today and they have just started to turn from milky to amber but only just, i was just wondering how it takes from this stage for the majority of them to turn amber
yes i know that plants flower and ripen at different rates but all im after is a rough estimate


Well-Known Member
just keep checkin till they 75% amber, different strains have different times and all are grown different - roughly > 2 weeks of milky to amber if they just started :)


Well-Known Member
If u prefer a more sedative/coughlock type of effect, then the more amber trich's r what u want, but I prefer to take mine when they are all milky with touches of amber, which tends to give more of an uplifting/energetic high... It's all in what the individual is looking for with their own medicines.... I wouldn't let them get too amber, because your cannabinoids will definately start to degrade if u let them go too much longer... I'd take em now if I were u... Remember, the plants are still alive for a few days after u chop them...


Well-Known Member
75% amber if u want ur dick in the dirt

The "crystals" on Cannabis buds, containing the bulk of a plant's THC.

The color of the crystals reflects relative harvesting time:

lighter, clearer crystals means a plant was harvested early, and will produce more of a Sativa "head" high.

darker, amber crystals reflect a late harvest and a heavier, "stoned" high.

............................suit yourself lols ;)