Time lapse of bud advancement within 35 days


Active Member
The sad thing is I need to leave for a business trip in two weeks for two weeks so am in a dilemma??? Harvest date unknown?
Let her go! If its only one plant just chop when u get back...unless ur in the north then I think frost is around the bend, like another 2-3 weeks. So jus watch the weather maybe check out an almanac for the frost day. Fuck, if ur an experimentalist like me and there was frost coming to your area before u will be back I'd throw one of those frost protective sheets over it..those mesh like ones, on the day u leave tho

yo yo oreo

Well-Known Member
Oh I didn't even think of frost resistant stuff! If you happen to have straw in your area that works really well too! I live in a rural area, so we have it everywhere, I use it each year on my garden keeps all my veggies lasting longer. Just cover the soil with it! Thanks GTM, I should add some to my own grow!