Time to go BIG


Active Member
in my eyes its not stealing. how many times has the power company jacked up the price on you or "estimated" your power bill for way higher than it really was? hell this one time the bastards cut off my power when they were supposed to cut off the deadbeats next door and it took them 4 days to realize that it was a mistake and come and fix it, even after i went down there the day it happened and showed my receipt and to top it all off after they had not gotten out there to turn it on for a day or so i cut it back on myself and i got charged 350 bucks for tampering with the meter. im sorry but my kid wasnt going without watching his cartoons just because of a mistake on their part. now mind you that i am sticking by my last statement and not! going to go through with the magnet theory but only because im scared they will call the cops on me or some shit but all and all i say fuck em they steal from me i steal from them


Active Member
This shtick is played out. Go a little more original next time.

you guys are nothing but a gang of assholes. i swear i have had like 2 or 3 good responses and the rest has been nothing but someone ragging on me they should have a grumpy asshole section just for you fucks


Well-Known Member
dude have you had a harvest yet?

People are raggin on you because you sound like you don't know what your doing.

Also, risk of going to jail when you have kids....!? Just sayin....


Well-Known Member
i read thru some of the posts on here if i were you i would be very careful and like some one said you dont need a huge room just manage your space carefully and you will be better off. maybe use 2 600W HPS lights for flower and get a MH for veg this wont cost that much. and if you are planning on stealing elect. i wouldnt try that, its just another possible way to get caught and its really not worth what you will save. like i said manage a smaller room carefully, cover the walls in mylar or panda film to maximize reflection. hope this helps some, good luck. and be careful im sure your kids dont want there dad goin to jail.
happy smokin man!


Active Member
yeah i decided against the big room and have a small space im working with now. Ill just stick with that and the fluro's for both cycles since it is my first indoor grow. However i have grown out doors a while back with my brother but that was like 7 years ago. we ended up with like 6 males out of 10 total plants but man did we get some good shit off of those 4 plants if i remember correctly it was like 3-4 pounds or something like that and not really all that seedy seeing as we weeded the males out before they got to bad. but back to the subject i have an area of about 12 sqft im working with so next time around ill use the hps and the mh. as far as "stealing" pwr ill just leave that for another day and a better plan


Well-Known Member
sounds good, you might still look into getting a hps for flower you will get alot better results. i use clf for veg and a 400W hps i found on craigs list for like $50. glad to hear ur not gonna steal power, thats just some thing to eventually lead to ur grow. happy growin and smokin!


Well-Known Member
Good job on not stealing the power, it's funny that you never mentioned stealing power to begin with.

My grow is a 4x4 little shed that has a peaked roof about five feet high. It's perfect and I just got finished with an eleven plant grow that worked out great. I use a lot of flouro's and want to go to a hps system but I don't know if the head room is enough. Does anyknow how close the hps lights can get to the plants??

I just continue to use the flouros cause they're safe and low cost. Anway, good luck in your grow, it is funny to see where these threads can go, what can we all expect since we're all a bunch of stoners!!!!!



Well-Known Member
it depends on what size light you get i got a 400W which they say to put around 18" away from tops but i can put mine around 12" if you get a cool tube it can go much closer.